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Thinking Scientifically
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1. Humans use negative pressure to fill the lungs, and frogs use positive pressure.
a. What is the difference between negative and positive pressure?


b. Birds have a flow-through system-the air flows from the lungs into air sacs and then out by way of a separate set of tubes. In what way is this more efficient than human breathing?


c. Frogs have thin, moist skin, and reptiles have thick skin. Which animal do you predict practices skin breathing? Which animal most likely has better developed lungs?


d. Humans have a diaphragm, reptiles do not. In what way does a diaphragm assist breathing?


2. Refer to Figure 31.16 to answer the following questions.
a. What might have caused the evolution of the upright posture of A. afarensis?


b. How does the hominid evolutionary tree illustrate adaptive radiation?


c. How does the evolution of Homo erectus and Cro-Magnon support the concept of punctuated equilibrium?


d. How do you know that all human races should be considered the same species?


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