In chapter 16 you see that abnormality is difficult to define, and it is best to consider behavior as on a continuum from normal to abnormal. The contemporary perspectives that attempt to explain abnormal behavior are the medical perspective, the psychoanalytical perspective, the behavioral perspective, the cognitive perspective, the humanistic perspective, and the sociocultural perspective. The system used by most professionals to classify mental disorders is the DSM IV. The major disorders discussed are the anxiety disorders, the somatoform disorders, and the conversion disorders. Lastly, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and personality disorders are presented and discussed.
To further investigate the topics covered in this chapter, you can visit the related websites by visiting the following link: Prologue: Lori Schiller
Section 1: Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction Psychology at Work: Margaret H. Coggins,
Senior Research Psychologist
- Perspectives on Abnormality: From Superstition to Science
- Classifying Abnormal Behavior: The ABCs of the DSM
Section 2: Major Disorders - Anxiety Disorders
- Somatoform Disorders
Applying Psychology in the 21st Century:
Internet Addiction: Real or Virtual?
Section 3: Mood Disorders - Mood Disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Personality Disorders
Section 4: Beyond the Major Disorders: Abnormal Behavior in Perspective Exploring Diversity: The DSM and Culture-and the Culture
Of the DSM- The Prevalence of Psychological Disorders: The Mental State of the Union
Becoming an Informed Consumer of Psychology:
Deciding When You Need Help