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Understanding Psychology Book Cover Image
Understanding Psychology, 6/e
Robert S. Feldman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Psychological Disorders

Learning Objectives

These are the concepts and the learning objectives for Chapter 16. Read them carefully as part of your preliminary survey of the chapter.

Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction

1. Discuss the various approaches to defining abnormal behavior. (pp. 470-472)

2. Describe and distinguish the various perspectives of abnormality, and apply those perspectives to specific mental disorders. (pp. 472-475)

3. Describe the DSM-IV and its use in diagnosing and classifying mental disorders. (pp. 475-477)

Major Disorders

4. Describe the anxiety disorders and their causes. (pp. 478-482)

5. Describe the somatoform disorders and their causes. (p. 482)

6. Describe the dissociative disorders and their causes. (pp. 483-484)

7. Describe the mood disorders and their causes. (pp. 485-488)

8. Describe the types of schizophrenia, its main symptoms, and the theories that account for its causes. (pp. 488-492)

9. Describe the personality disorders and their causes. (pp. 492-494)

Beyond the Major Disorders: Abnormal Behavior in Perspective

10. Discuss the other forms of abnormal behavior described in the DSM-IV, the prevalence of psychological disorders, and issues related to seeking help. (pp. 495-498)