Dan Lattimore,
University of Memphis Otis Baskin,
Pepperdine University Suzette Heiman,
University of Missouri - Columbia, MO Elizabeth Toth,
Syracuse University James Van Leuven,
University of Oregon
ISBN: 0072424028 Copyright year: 2004
Feature Summary
Clear study of the process of publc relations with a strong theoretical basis and balanced tone.
Focuses throughout on technology and public relations including discussions of new technologies and the impact they have on public relations.
Deals with public relations form the perspective of overall organizational decision making, examining how public relations affects and is affected by decisions that are made.
The accompanying student CD-ROM includes unique interviews with PR professionals from companies such as Ketchum Public Relations, Washington D.C.; Thompson and Baker Public Relations, Memphis; Darcy Advertising, Detroit; and Ketchum Public Affairs, New York. The CD also features an appendix on careers with hot links to useful sites.
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