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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Sustainability and Human Development

Further Readings

Adams, W.. (1990). Green Development. London: Routledge.
A survey of environmentally sustainable development projects around the world.

Abramovitz, Janet N.. (1998). "Nature's Hidden Economy,". : World Watch. (11(1):19-24.).
The most valuable services we use may be the ones we always thought -- mistakenly -- were free.

Arendt, R.. (1999). Growing Greener: Putting Conservation into Local Plans and Ordinances.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. (by one of America's leading planners.).
A new look at design of suburban subdivisions

Arendt, Randall G.. (1996). Conservation Design for Subdivisions: A Practical Guide to Creating Open Space Networks.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A pioneer in conservation planning proposes alternative suburban designs.

Arrow, K.. (1999). "Discounting, Morality, and Gaming," in Discounting and Intergenerational Equity P.R. Portney and J.P.Weyent (eds). Washington, DC. : .
Resources for the Future. Is it moral to make bets on the future?

Balmaceda-Roy, M., and T. Larsen.. (2000). "Changing the Rules of the Game,". : .
A look at socially responsible investing.

Beatly, T.. (2000). Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A survey of innovative environmental planning and design in Europe.

Benfield, F. Kaid, Donald D. T. Chen, and Matthew D. Raimi (eds).. (1999). Once There Were Greenfields : How Urban Sprawl Is Undermining Americas's Environment, Economy, and Social Fabric. New York: Natural Resources Defense Council..
A cogent critique of urban sprawl.

Boff, Leonardo, and Phillip Berryman.. (1997). Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. A combination of liberation ecology and environmental justice.. New York: Orbis Books..

Bonda, Penny.. (2000). "Toward Positive Futures.". : . (2000: 14-16.).
Explores the move from an industrial economy to one that is sustainable, socially responsible and profitable.

Bullard, Robert, et al.. (2001). Sprawl City: Race Politics and Planning in Atlanta.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
In 1998, a Sierra Club study described Atlanta as having the greatest urban sprawl and the most congested transportation system in America. This book, written by a group of leaders in environmental justice and city planning is a proposal for addressing those problems.

Callicott, J. Baird and Karen Mumford.. (1997). "Ecological Sustainability as a Conservation Concept,". : Conservation Biology. (11(1):32-40. A).
discussion on redefining sustainability to include ecological as well as economic constraints.

Cesar, H., et al.. (1997). "Indonesian Coral Reefs -- An Economic Analysis of a Precious but Threatened Resource,". : .
Ambio 80(6)97 Describes ways humans are destroying coral reefs in Indonesia and compares short-term private gains to individuals with long-term societal costs.

Chambers, R. and G. Conway.. (1992). Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21 Century. IDS Discussion paper 296.. London: Institute of Development Studies..
An interesting alternative to sustainable development as a measure of human welfare.

Costanza, Robert, et al.. (1997). "The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital,". : Nature. (387:253-260.).
A landmark analysis of the economic value of ecological services.

Daily, Gretchen. C.. (1999). "Developing a scientific basis for managing Earth's life support systems.". : Conservation Ecology. (3(2):14).
An analysis of biodiversity as an economic resource.[online] URL:

Daly, Herman E.. (1997). Beyond Growth : The Economics of Sustainable Development.. Boston: Beacon Press..
Urges us to view the economy as part of the ecosystem and give up the idea of constant economic growth.

Daly, Herman E. and John B., Jr. Cobb. (1994). For the Common Good : Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future 2 ed.. : .
A classic in ecological economics and environmental ethics.

Daly, Herman E. and Kenneth N. Townsend, eds.. (1993). Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics.. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press..
An older but still important consideration of these topics.

Dunkiel, B., et al.. (1999). "The Tax Shift,". : E Magazine. (vol. X(2): 28-34.).
Green taxes can be used to encourage resource conservation and pollution reduction while also accomplishing social goals.

Dunn, Robert H.. (1997). "Corporate Responsibility: The Next Five Years,". : The Greenmoney Journal. (6(1-2):7, 21.).
A vision of the future from the President of Business for Social Responsibility.

Durning, Alan T.. (1996). The Car and the City: 24 Steps to Safe Streets and Healthy Communities.. Seattle: Northwest Environment Watch..
We don't have to turn our cities over to the automobile.

Escobar, Arturo.. (1995). Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World.. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press..
Argues that the industrialized nations of North America and Europe are not appropriate models for post-World War II societies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Finger, Matthias and James Gilcoyne.. (1997). "Why Transnational Corporations are Organizing to 'Save the Global Environment',". : The Ecologist. (27(4):138-142.).
Claims that environmental programs of transnational corporations are really a smokescreen for expanding markets and avoiding scrutiny.

French, Hillary F.. (1997). "Privatizing International Development,". : World Watch Journal. (10(3):8-27.).
Is the public interest protected in the rapid spread of globalism?

French, Hillary.. (2000). Vanishing Boarders: Protecting the Planet in the Age of Industrialization.. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute..
The globalization of commerce has become an international environmental issue.

Fulton, William.. (1996). The New Urbanism.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
New ideas for urban centers.

Geddes, Robert, ed.. (1997). Cities in Our Future.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A proposal for ecological design.

Gersh, Jeff.. (1996). "Subdivide and Conquer: Concrete, Condos, and the Second Conquest of the American West,". : The Amicus Journal. (Fall 1996: 14-20.).
Who says we have to live this way?

Goldsmith, Edward.. (1997). "Development as Colonialism,". : The Ecologist. (27(2):69-76.).
An extension of subaltern history and dependency theory to environment and human development.

Goodstein, E.. (1999). The Trade-off Myth. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
In-depth examination of the claims that environmental protection threatens jobs.

Gowdy, John, ed.. (1997). Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
An examination of the society and lifestyle of the few remaining hunter-gatherer cultures. See also his 1995 text: Economic Theory for Environmentalists from St. Lucie Press.

Gustanski, J. A. and R. H. Squires (eds). (1999). Protecting the Land: Conservation Easements Past, Present, and Future.. : .
An examination of land trusts and how they work.

Harris, J. M., e al.. (2001). Survey of Sustainable Development: Social and Economic Dimensions.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
An important compilation of important works on the history and current status of human development.

Harvey, David.. (1993). "The nature of environment: the dialectics of social and environmental change.". : The Socialist Register. (1-51.).
An eminent Marxian geographer looks at environment and development.

Hutchison, Colin.. (1997). Building to Last: The Challenge for Business Leaders. London: Earthscan.
A valuable survey of green business practices and challenges.

Jacobs, Jane.. (1984). Cities and the Wealth of Nations.. New York: Random House.
A scathing critique of economic policy towards cities.

Karliner, Joshua.. (1997). The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalisation.. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club.
A critique of transnational corporations.

Kandker, S. R.. (1998). Fighting Poverty with Microcredit: Experience in Bangladesh.. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
A report of the success of the Grameen Bank movement.

Kibert, C. J (ed).. (1999). Reshaping the Built Environment: Ecology, Ethics, and Economics. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Reflections on landscapes and the built environment.

Kolstad, C.. (2000). Environmental Economics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
A good review of the field.

Lassila, K. D.. (1999). "The New Suburbanites,". : The Amicus Journal. (21(2):16-21.).
How America's plants and animals are threatened by urban sprawl. Four other good articles follow in this issue.

Lele, Sharachchandra M.. (1991). "Sustainable Development: A Critical Review.". : World Development. (19(6): 607-621.).
An important critique of the concept of sustainable development from the perspective of a Third World, subaltern historian.

Lele, Sharachchandra M, and Richard B. Norgaard.. (1996). "Sustainability and the Scientists's Burden.". : Conservation Biology. (10(2): 354-365.).
Discusses the difficulties of pursuing objective science in a value-loaded and socially charged discourse.

Lewis, Phillip H.. (1996). Tomorrow by Design: A Regional Design Process for Sustainability.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Better ideas for urban planning.

Lovins, L. Hunter and Amory B. Lovins.. (2000). "Harnessing Corporate Power to Heal the Planet." The World and I.. : . (Shows how we can heal the planet and make money too.).
April 2000:152-161.

Lyle, J. T.. (1999). Design for Human Ecosystems: Landscape, Land Use, and Natural Resources. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A framework for thinking about ecological design by one of the leading thinkers in the field.

Mazmanian, Daniel and Kraft, Michael E. (eds).. (1999). Toward Sustainable Communities: Transition and transformations in Environmental Policy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Case studies that illustrate innovative strategies in sustainable communities.

Mawby, Russell.. (1997). "Building Better Neighborhoods,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(1):27.).
Discusses the virtues of cohousing.

Montaigne, F.. (2000). "There Goes the Neighborhood!". : Audubon. (102(2):60-71.).
Urban sprawl is gobbling open space. How can we stop it?

Netting, Robert McC.. (1997). "Unequals Common and Uncommon Equity: Property and Community Among Smallholder Farmers,". : The Ecologist. (27(1):28-33.).
A good analysis of common property regimes and whether they are always communal.

Norgaard, Richard B.. (1994). Development Betrayed.. London: Routledge..
A hard-hitting critique of development and aid policies.

O'Connor, James.. (1994). Is Sustainable Capitalism Possible? Political Economy and the Politics of Ecology.. London: Guilford..
A Marxist critique of the environmental and social affects of capitalism.

Peet, Richard and Michael Watts.. (1996). "Development, sustainability, and environment in an age of market triumphalism." In Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements.. : .
A Marxist critique of sustainable development.

Pietila, Hilkka.. (1997). "The Villages in Finland Refuse to Die,". : The Ecologist. (27(5):178-181.).
A village action movement in Finland has shaken the assumption that further urbanization is inevitable.

Poole, William.. (1998). "Inside Ecotopia,". : Sierra. (83(1):30-33.).
Arcata, CA may be the greenest and funkiest city in the United States.

Porter, Douglas R.. (1997). Managing Growth in America's Communities.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Can we put limits on urban sprawl?

Porter, G.. (1999). "Trade Competition and Pollution Standards: Race to the Bottom or Stuck at the Bottom?". : Journal of Environment and Development.. (8(2):24-31.).
What are the effects of international trade conventions such as NAFTA?

Prugh, T., R. Costanza, and H. Daly.. (2000). The Local Politics of Global Sustainability.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Three leading ecological economists look at global sustainability.

Pugh, Cedric.. (1996). Sustainability, The Environment and Urbanization.. London: Earthscan.
Sustainable city design in Europe.

Riley, Ann L.. (1997). Restoring Streams in Cities: A Guide for Planners, Policymakers, and Citizens.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Urban streams can be rehabilitated and turned into community assets.

Ruiz, Carmelo.. (1997). "Green Protectionism,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(2):40.).
A reflection on "green" trade barriers and their effects on Third World nations.

Sachs, Jeffrey D. et al.. (2001). "The Geography of Poverty and Wealth.". : Scientific American. (284(3): 71-75.).
An interesting survey of the distribution of resources and wealth.

Scott, M.J., et al.. (1998). "Valuation of Ecological Resources and Functions,". : Environmental Management. (22(1):49-68.).
A search for an appropriate analysis framework for the economic value of environmental resources and ecological services.

Smith, M., et al.. (1998). Greening the Built Environment.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
The urban environment doesn't have to be grim and dehumanizing.

Sosnowchik, Katie.. (2000). "Humanity at a Crossroads.". : . (November/December 2000: 18-27.).
A look at how media mogul Ted Turner is using his billions and his media savy to help save the environment and the world.

Wann, David.. (1996). Deep Design: Pathways to a Livable Future.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Combines the insights of Deep Ecology and Bioregionalism into urban design.

Wastebusters Limited.. (1997). The Green Office Manual.. London: Earthscan.
An informative and accessible guide to green business and office management.

Welford, Richard.. (1997). Hijacking Environmentalism.. London: Earthscan.
Claims that corporations have reconstructed the environmental agenda to suit their own agenda.

Yunus, Muhammad.. (1999). "The Grameen Bank.". : Scientific American. (281 (5): 114-119.).
A heartening story of how microlending helps the poorest of the poor become self-sufficient.