| Principles of Environmental Science William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College
Sustainability and Human Development
Further Readings
| Adams, W.. (1990). Green Development. London: Routledge. A survey of environmentally sustainable development projects around the world. | | | |
| Abramovitz, Janet N.. (1998). "Nature's Hidden Economy,". : World Watch. (11(1):19-24.). The most valuable services we use may be the ones we always thought -- mistakenly -- were free. | | | |
| Arendt, R.. (1999). Growing Greener: Putting Conservation into Local Plans and Ordinances.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. (by one of America's leading planners.). A new look at design of suburban subdivisions | | | |
| Arendt, Randall G.. (1996). Conservation Design for Subdivisions: A Practical Guide to Creating Open Space Networks.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A pioneer in conservation planning proposes alternative suburban designs. | | | |
| Arrow, K.. (1999). "Discounting, Morality, and Gaming," in Discounting and Intergenerational Equity P.R. Portney and J.P.Weyent (eds). Washington, DC. : . Resources for the Future. Is it moral to make bets on the future? | | | |
| Balmaceda-Roy, M., and T. Larsen.. (2000). "Changing the Rules of the Game,". : . A look at socially responsible investing. | | | |
| Beatly, T.. (2000). Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A survey of innovative environmental planning and design in Europe. | | | |
| Benfield, F. Kaid, Donald D. T. Chen, and Matthew D. Raimi (eds).. (1999). Once There Were Greenfields : How Urban Sprawl Is Undermining Americas's Environment, Economy, and Social Fabric. New York: Natural Resources Defense Council.. A cogent critique of urban sprawl. | | | |
| Boff, Leonardo, and Phillip Berryman.. (1997). Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. A combination of liberation ecology and environmental justice.. New York: Orbis Books..
| | | |
| Bonda, Penny.. (2000). "Toward Positive Futures.". : . (2000: 14-16.). Explores the move from an industrial economy to one that is sustainable, socially responsible and profitable. | | | |
| Bullard, Robert, et al.. (2001). Sprawl City: Race Politics and Planning in Atlanta.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. In 1998, a Sierra Club study described Atlanta as having the greatest urban sprawl and the most congested transportation system in America. This book, written by a group of leaders in environmental justice and city planning is a proposal for addressing those problems. | | | |
| Callicott, J. Baird and Karen Mumford.. (1997). "Ecological Sustainability as a Conservation Concept,". : Conservation Biology. (11(1):32-40. A). discussion on redefining sustainability to include ecological as well as economic constraints. | | | |
| Cesar, H., et al.. (1997). "Indonesian Coral Reefs -- An Economic Analysis of a Precious but Threatened Resource,". : . Ambio 80(6)97 Describes ways humans are destroying coral reefs in Indonesia and compares short-term private gains to individuals with long-term societal costs. | | | |
| Chambers, R. and G. Conway.. (1992). Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21 Century. IDS Discussion paper 296.. London: Institute of Development Studies.. An interesting alternative to sustainable development as a measure of human welfare. | | | |
| Costanza, Robert, et al.. (1997). "The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital,". : Nature. (387:253-260.). A landmark analysis of the economic value of ecological services. | | | |
| Daily, Gretchen. C.. (1999). "Developing a scientific basis for managing Earth's life support systems.". : Conservation Ecology. (3(2):14). An analysis of biodiversity as an economic resource.[online] URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol3/iss2/art14. | | | |
| Daly, Herman E.. (1997). Beyond Growth : The Economics of Sustainable Development.. Boston: Beacon Press.. Urges us to view the economy as part of the ecosystem and give up the idea of constant economic growth. | | | |
| Daly, Herman E. and John B., Jr. Cobb. (1994). For the Common Good : Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future 2 ed.. : . A classic in ecological economics and environmental ethics. | | | |
| Daly, Herman E. and Kenneth N. Townsend, eds.. (1993). Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics.. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.. An older but still important consideration of these topics. | | | |
| Dunkiel, B., et al.. (1999). "The Tax Shift,". : E Magazine. (vol. X(2): 28-34.). Green taxes can be used to encourage resource conservation and pollution reduction while also accomplishing social goals. | | | |
| Dunn, Robert H.. (1997). "Corporate Responsibility: The Next Five Years,". : The Greenmoney Journal. (6(1-2):7, 21.). A vision of the future from the President of Business for Social Responsibility. | | | |
| Durning, Alan T.. (1996). The Car and the City: 24 Steps to Safe Streets and Healthy Communities.. Seattle: Northwest Environment Watch.. We don't have to turn our cities over to the automobile. | | | |
| Escobar, Arturo.. (1995). Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World.. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.. Argues that the industrialized nations of North America and Europe are not appropriate models for post-World War II societies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. | | | |
| Finger, Matthias and James Gilcoyne.. (1997). "Why Transnational Corporations are Organizing to 'Save the Global Environment',". : The Ecologist. (27(4):138-142.). Claims that environmental programs of transnational corporations are really a smokescreen for expanding markets and avoiding scrutiny. | | | |
| French, Hillary F.. (1997). "Privatizing International Development,". : World Watch Journal. (10(3):8-27.). Is the public interest protected in the rapid spread of globalism? | | | |
| French, Hillary.. (2000). Vanishing Boarders: Protecting the Planet in the Age of Industrialization.. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute.. The globalization of commerce has become an international environmental issue. | | | |
| Fulton, William.. (1996). The New Urbanism.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. New ideas for urban centers. | | | |
| Geddes, Robert, ed.. (1997). Cities in Our Future.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A proposal for ecological design. | | | |
| Gersh, Jeff.. (1996). "Subdivide and Conquer: Concrete, Condos, and the Second Conquest of the American West,". : The Amicus Journal. (Fall 1996: 14-20.). Who says we have to live this way? | | | |
| Goldsmith, Edward.. (1997). "Development as Colonialism,". : The Ecologist. (27(2):69-76.). An extension of subaltern history and dependency theory to environment and human development. | | | |
| Goodstein, E.. (1999). The Trade-off Myth. Covelo, CA: Island Press. In-depth examination of the claims that environmental protection threatens jobs. | | | |
| Gowdy, John, ed.. (1997). Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An examination of the society and lifestyle of the few remaining hunter-gatherer cultures. See also his 1995 text: Economic Theory for Environmentalists from St. Lucie Press. | | | |
| Gustanski, J. A. and R. H. Squires (eds). (1999). Protecting the Land: Conservation Easements Past, Present, and Future.. : . An examination of land trusts and how they work. | | | |
| Harris, J. M., e al.. (2001). Survey of Sustainable Development: Social and Economic Dimensions.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An important compilation of important works on the history and current status of human development. | | | |
| Harvey, David.. (1993). "The nature of environment: the dialectics of social and environmental change.". : The Socialist Register. (1-51.). An eminent Marxian geographer looks at environment and development. | | | |
| Hutchison, Colin.. (1997). Building to Last: The Challenge for Business Leaders. London: Earthscan. A valuable survey of green business practices and challenges. | | | |
| Jacobs, Jane.. (1984). Cities and the Wealth of Nations.. New York: Random House. A scathing critique of economic policy towards cities. | | | |
| Karliner, Joshua.. (1997). The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalisation.. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club. A critique of transnational corporations. | | | |
| Kandker, S. R.. (1998). Fighting Poverty with Microcredit: Experience in Bangladesh.. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. A report of the success of the Grameen Bank movement. | | | |
| Kibert, C. J (ed).. (1999). Reshaping the Built Environment: Ecology, Ethics, and Economics. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Reflections on landscapes and the built environment. | | | |
| Kolstad, C.. (2000). Environmental Economics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. A good review of the field. | | | |
| Lassila, K. D.. (1999). "The New Suburbanites,". : The Amicus Journal. (21(2):16-21.). How America's plants and animals are threatened by urban sprawl. Four other good articles follow in this issue. | | | |
| Lele, Sharachchandra M.. (1991). "Sustainable Development: A Critical Review.". : World Development. (19(6): 607-621.). An important critique of the concept of sustainable development from the perspective of a Third World, subaltern historian. | | | |
| Lele, Sharachchandra M, and Richard B. Norgaard.. (1996). "Sustainability and the Scientists's Burden.". : Conservation Biology. (10(2): 354-365.). Discusses the difficulties of pursuing objective science in a value-loaded and socially charged discourse. | | | |
| Lewis, Phillip H.. (1996). Tomorrow by Design: A Regional Design Process for Sustainability.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Better ideas for urban planning. | | | |
| Lovins, L. Hunter and Amory B. Lovins.. (2000). "Harnessing Corporate Power to Heal the Planet." The World and I.. : . (Shows how we can heal the planet and make money too.). April 2000:152-161. | | | |
| Lyle, J. T.. (1999). Design for Human Ecosystems: Landscape, Land Use, and Natural Resources. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A framework for thinking about ecological design by one of the leading thinkers in the field. | | | |
| Mazmanian, Daniel and Kraft, Michael E. (eds).. (1999). Toward Sustainable Communities: Transition and transformations in Environmental Policy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Case studies that illustrate innovative strategies in sustainable communities. | | | |
| Mawby, Russell.. (1997). "Building Better Neighborhoods,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(1):27.). Discusses the virtues of cohousing. | | | |
| Montaigne, F.. (2000). "There Goes the Neighborhood!". : Audubon. (102(2):60-71.). Urban sprawl is gobbling open space. How can we stop it? | | | |
| Netting, Robert McC.. (1997). "Unequals Common and Uncommon Equity: Property and Community Among Smallholder Farmers,". : The Ecologist. (27(1):28-33.). A good analysis of common property regimes and whether they are always communal. | | | |
| Norgaard, Richard B.. (1994). Development Betrayed.. London: Routledge.. A hard-hitting critique of development and aid policies. | | | |
| O'Connor, James.. (1994). Is Sustainable Capitalism Possible? Political Economy and the Politics of Ecology.. London: Guilford.. A Marxist critique of the environmental and social affects of capitalism. | | | |
| Peet, Richard and Michael Watts.. (1996). "Development, sustainability, and environment in an age of market triumphalism." In Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements.. : . A Marxist critique of sustainable development. | | | |
| Pietila, Hilkka.. (1997). "The Villages in Finland Refuse to Die,". : The Ecologist. (27(5):178-181.). A village action movement in Finland has shaken the assumption that further urbanization is inevitable. | | | |
| Poole, William.. (1998). "Inside Ecotopia,". : Sierra. (83(1):30-33.). Arcata, CA may be the greenest and funkiest city in the United States. | | | |
| Porter, Douglas R.. (1997). Managing Growth in America's Communities.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Can we put limits on urban sprawl? | | | |
| Porter, G.. (1999). "Trade Competition and Pollution Standards: Race to the Bottom or Stuck at the Bottom?". : Journal of Environment and Development.. (8(2):24-31.). What are the effects of international trade conventions such as NAFTA? | | | |
| Prugh, T., R. Costanza, and H. Daly.. (2000). The Local Politics of Global Sustainability.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Three leading ecological economists look at global sustainability. | | | |
| Pugh, Cedric.. (1996). Sustainability, The Environment and Urbanization.. London: Earthscan. Sustainable city design in Europe. | | | |
| Riley, Ann L.. (1997). Restoring Streams in Cities: A Guide for Planners, Policymakers, and Citizens.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Urban streams can be rehabilitated and turned into community assets. | | | |
| Ruiz, Carmelo.. (1997). "Green Protectionism,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(2):40.). A reflection on "green" trade barriers and their effects on Third World nations. | | | |
| Sachs, Jeffrey D. et al.. (2001). "The Geography of Poverty and Wealth.". : Scientific American. (284(3): 71-75.). An interesting survey of the distribution of resources and wealth. | | | |
| Scott, M.J., et al.. (1998). "Valuation of Ecological Resources and Functions,". : Environmental Management. (22(1):49-68.). A search for an appropriate analysis framework for the economic value of environmental resources and ecological services. | | | |
| Smith, M., et al.. (1998). Greening the Built Environment.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. The urban environment doesn't have to be grim and dehumanizing. | | | |
| Sosnowchik, Katie.. (2000). "Humanity at a Crossroads.". : . (November/December 2000: 18-27.). A look at how media mogul Ted Turner is using his billions and his media savy to help save the environment and the world. | | | |
| Wann, David.. (1996). Deep Design: Pathways to a Livable Future.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Combines the insights of Deep Ecology and Bioregionalism into urban design. | | | |
| Wastebusters Limited.. (1997). The Green Office Manual.. London: Earthscan. An informative and accessible guide to green business and office management. | | | |
| Welford, Richard.. (1997). Hijacking Environmentalism.. London: Earthscan. Claims that corporations have reconstructed the environmental agenda to suit their own agenda. | | | |
| Yunus, Muhammad.. (1999). "The Grameen Bank.". : Scientific American. (281 (5): 114-119.). A heartening story of how microlending helps the poorest of the poor become self-sufficient. | | | |