At the beginning of each chapter and on a few pages
throughout, we provide some interesting facts. Some of these
facts arent related to technology in any way, but hopefully
they make you want to turn the page.
Each chapter also starts with an interesting fact that has a
key piece of information omitted. Thats why youre
here right now to locate that interesting little
tidbit. Below we list them. CHAPTER 1 Thomas Watson, Chair of IBM, will go down in infamy for
predicting in 1943 that there would be a world market for only
computers. Everyone tries to predict the future be careful when
predicting technology. It changes more rapidly and dramatically
than you can imagine. CHAPTER 2 Ebay, the Webs most popular auction site, have over
million items up for auction. Consumer to consumer electronic
commerce is alive and well at Ebay. Besides that, Ebay has successfully supported the auctioning
of more than 2 billion items. CHAPTER 3 Personal productivity software can in fact really help you be
more "productive." With only
clicks on your mouse, you can easily add interactivity
(animation, audio, or video) to a slide presentation. You should learn all the features of your personal
productivity software. It will help you be more productive, and,
in the case of adding interactivity to a slide presentation, it
may very well help your grade in class. CHAPTER 4 In 1998, 7.9% of Americans over the age of 14 made online
purchases. By 2002,
over the age of 14 will. Although the "Dot Com" fallout of 2001 might decrease the
overall percentage, the number of Internet users in the U.S.
continues to increase. The Wall Street Journal (Feb. 2002) cites
a study by the U.S. Commerce Department that found 54 percent of
Americans143 millionwere using the Web by September
2001. This is 26 percent more than in 2000, or more than 2
million new users coming online each month in 2001. With so many new Web surfers, you can expect to see an
increase in e-commerce purchases as well. CHAPTER 5 You would be able to purchase a home for
that would occupy
8.8 million
square feet. The pace of innovation in information technology has been
astonishing, to say the least. Consider that it was as recently
1993 that Marc Andreessen created the first graphical Web browser
originally called Mosaic and later, Netscape. A decade is not a
long time for something as pervasive as the World Wide Web to
have been in existence. CHAPTER 6 Intel®s Pentium 4 has
million transistors built into the chip. The Pentium 4 is built with Intel's 0.13-micron technology.
That means that the wires are 0.13 microns wide. Thats
hundreds of times narrower than human hair. A single particle of
talcum powder is between 20 and 30 microns across. CHAPTER 7 Most hackers are young men aged
. White-hat hackers usually like to think of themselves as an
elite troupe seeking the vulnerabilities in computer systems for
the good of all. They know that hacking into other peoples
computers is illegal, but they think its ethical because
they find security holes and then allow system administrators to
fix those problems before anyone with malicious intent tries to
get in. CHAPTER 8 The DNA project has more than
a quintillion
bits of datamore than twice the contents of the U.S.
Library of Congress. A quintillion is a trillion million. Thats a number far
beyond what any of us can imagine. The DNA project isnt the
only one amassing large amounts of data. The
Internet Archive
collects copies of all Web pages and stores the information in a
large digital library. The Internet Archive has over 100 terabytes of Web pages
alone. In contrast, all of the books and other information in the
Library of Congress
amount to only 20 terabytes of data. Your favorite radio station
only has about 8 terabytes of data (15,000 hours of music). CHAPTER 9 By 2003, its estimated that over
people in the U.S. will have wireless access to the Web. We actually believe the number will be much higher. Almost all
new PDAs today come with wireless Web access. And cell phones
seem to be moving in the direction of providing free wireless Web
access (of course, youll be using your minutes). CHAPTER 10 Microsoft programmer consumed
pizzas while writing Windows 95 thats one
slice of pizza for every
lines of code. How many pizzas Microsoft programmers consumed is interesting
but not that useful. What you should focus on is the size of an
operating system (over 11 million lines for Windows 95) and
how long it takes to write that many lines (almost 10 million
hours for Windows 95). CHAPTER 11 Producing a Sega Genesis game in the 90s cost $200,000.
By 2000, the Playstation and Nintendo 64 games cost $2 million to
develop. Today it costs
at least $4 million
to produce a video game. The James Bond movie, "GoldenEye," cost $60 million to produce
and made $106 million in domestic gross sales. Thats an
impressive return. However, the Nintendo "GoldenEye" video game
cost $4 million to produce and made $230 million in domestic
gross sales. Its not difficult to conclude which was the
better investment. Because of the profits that can be made on video games,
companies are always looking for good programmers who can work in
this fast-paced interactive environment. Maybe youre one of
them. CHAPTER 12 Boeing built the prototype for its new 777 completely on a
computer. 8,000 employees participated on the project from over
200 departments. The new airplane included over
2 million
parts. Big business requires big technology. And so do small
businesses. No matter the size, any business can benefit from the
use of technology. CHAPTER 13 An old adage says that if business owners make the right
percent of the time, the business will probably be a
success. Of course, this old saying doesnt take into account the
type of decisions that are included in the 51 percent. Obviously,
some decisions are much more important and far-reaching than
others. Getting the right paper clips is not much help if you
make bad decisions in selecting your target market. The point of
the adage is to emphasize that you dont have to do
everything perfectly to be a success. |