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I-Series Computing Concepts
Stephen Haag, University of Denver
Maeve Cummings, Pittsburg State University
Alan I Rea, Jr., Western Michigan University

Life Long Learning

Greetings Web warriors!

Thanks so much for joining us at The I-Series Life-Long Learning Modules .

We've created six of these modules to help you do two things:

  1. Augment what you're learning in the text
  2. Stay as up to date as possible

So, we briefly introduced you to these modules in the text and gave you an idea of what's in them.

To your credit, you're here right now to learn more.

Let's get to it. Click below on the module you want to see.

A:// Enhanced Web Development make your Web site sizzle with development tools, Web scripting and programming, design guides, multimedia, and by learning what goes on behind the scenes.

B:// Care and Feeding of Your Computer learn more about upgrading your hardware and software, troubleshooting, operating system considerations, general maintenance, and protection.

C:// Careers in Information Technology it's a fascinating and good-paying field. Read more about job titles, job descriptions, salaries, the skills you need, how to search for jobs, learning beyond your education, and our own thoughts as authors.

D:// The History of Computers see how we've traveled through first, second, third, and fourth generation technologies and are now ready to embark on the next generation.

E:// New Technologies Impacting Your Life learn what's going on right now around you in the areas of portable computing, Internet and household appliances, entertainment technologies, virtual reality and perceptual interfaces, and life-enhancing technologies.

F:// Computers in Your Life Tomorrow can you say "membrane-based" technologies' That's where we're headed. Come read and explore tomorrow as you've never seen it before (a little play on words).
