ENHANCED WEB DEVELOPMENT How Do You Make Your Site Sizzle?Think about how much we've used the Web in the textbook. Almost every chapter references it in some way. You learned how to use the Web (Chapter 2), spent an entire chapter designing Web pages and using e-commerce (Chapter 4), and read tips on Web design throughout the textbook in the I-Witness boxes. But you know there's more you can do with the Web. Maybe you've used interactive programs, watched short movies and cartoons online, or even purchased goods and services. Needless to say, there's always something new and exciting going on in Web development. Whether you're planning on using the Web to create a job portfolio, start your own business, or you just want to learn how you can do many of the things you see happening online, you've come to the right place. We've collected an assortment of Websites and provided information to help you make your Web site sizzle. Click on the links below.
Development Tools
Web developers rely on Web development tools for their livelihood. They must consistently produce quality Web pages and graphics. The combination of Web development tools they choose depends on criteria such as cost, functionality, and features. They must also be aware that some tools work better with certain computing platforms (Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and UNIX) and Web severs (Apache, IIS, etc.). Although we used Notepad in our textbook examples, Web developers don't use Notepad to create entire Web sites or Web pages. However, they might use Notepad to quickly change an HTML tag or two. Many people use Notepad because it's readily available on all Windows systems and it's free. If you're going to develop Web sites, you'll need a set of Web development tools. You have a variety to choose from. At the very least, you'll want software to help you create HTML code. You might want an image-editing program as well. Web site management tools are typically used by larger Web sites with massive amounts of contents and pages. As we mentioned above, Web developers use certain criteria to determine which tools to use. For you, cost might be the most important factor. We've included freeware and open source solutions at the end of this section. You should also consider what a software program can do for you. You should make sure it offers what you need for your Web development and how easily you can learn to use it. If it doesn't have good functionality, you'll find that you won't use the development tool as much as you could. In the next few sections, we've included lists of the most-used Web development tools. You should try as many as possibly to find which works best for you. Without Web development tools, you can't begin to develop Web sites. You also can't implement many of the other programming languages and topics we discuss in later sections. Remember, many of the development tools have 30-day trial periods before you need to buy them. Others are free. HTML Editors You can use HTML editors to work directly with the HTML tags. Many Web developers prefer HTML editors because they have specific programming styles and preferences they prefer to use in their Web pages. HTML editors have become powerful over the past few years. With HTML editors you can color code HTML tags much like you do in a software development environment. Many HTML editors have sets of predefined HTML tags so you can quickly create tables and forms as well. You can also use most HTML editors to write JavaScript and other scripting languages necessary for interactivity in your Web pages. Most Web developers have at least one HTML editor they use on a regular basis. Some developers choose to only use an HTML editor, while others use a WYSIWYG editor and supplement its use with an HTML editor. Here are a few of the more popular HTML editors: - BBEdit: Only available for the Macintosh operating system. One of the most powerful HTML editors.
- EditPlus: An inexpensive HTML editor with added functionality for other programming and scripting languages. A simple but useful development tool.
- Hot Dog Professional: One of the first HTML editors. It continues to be a popular choice.
- Macromedia (formerly Allaire) Homesite: A powerful HTML editor backed by a premiere Web development company.
- Textpad: A simple HTML editor. More powerful than Notepad, but not as powerful as other HTML editors because of limited functionality.
WYSIWYG Editors For many Web developers a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor is their primary Web development tool. They can immediately see how Web pages will look once placed online. With an HTML editor, each HTML file must be opened in a Web browser to view the HTML code. You can use WYSIWYG editors to quickly develop Web pages by dragging and dropping items in the development tool. You can quickly change color schemes, insert scripting languages, add images, and other elements to a Web page. Web developers also use WYSIWYG editors to help them manage Web sites. Many WYSIWYG editors include basic Web site management features, such as checking for broken hypertext links. Still, most Web developers rely on an HTML editor to help them create the exact Web page they want. While WYSIWYG editors can create Web pages suitable for most casual or beginning Web developers, Web developers usually need more control over the HTML code and scripting languages. To meet this need, some WYSIWYG Web editors have included powerful HTML editors within the development environment so Web developers can have both types of editors. For the most part, WYSIWYG editors are more expensive them HTML editors. They offer more features and functionality than HTML editors. We've listed the most popular WYSIWYG editors. These range in price from a hundred to a few hundred dollars, but all offer trial versions so you can make sure you like the WYSIWYG editor before buying it: - Adobe GoLive: A newer editor designed to help Web developers quickly create Web sites rich in multimedia content and functionality.
- HoTMetaL Pro: The most affordable of the editors. It offers customizable features and site management options.
- Macromedia Dreamweaver: The first choice of Web developers. This editor not only offers a powerful WYSIWYG development environment but also a powerful HTML editor and site management tools.
- Microsoft FrontPage: This editor runs a close second to Dreamweaver. FrontPage is especially useful for companies wanting to integrate Microsoft products in their Web site. FrontPage works best on servers with FrontPage extensions installed on them.
- NetObjects Fusion: A powerful WYSIWYG editor that incorporates multimedia, Web databases, and e-commerce applications all in one.
Web site Management Tools Web developers have a wide variety of Web site management tools available to them. Some tools come packed within WYSIWYG editors, but many are specifically designed for Web developers to access over the Web for specific purposes not available in many editors. Web site management tools usually fall into one of three types depending on their function: content management, accessibility, and link management. Content Management Web developers use content management tools to ensure that the content on Web pages is kept up to date. Content management tools allow Web developers to check the last time a certain page on their Web site was updated and also to schedule reminders to those who must supply current content. Web developers also use content management tools to make sure that Web site content remains consistent on various Web pages in a Web site. For example, a Web developer can set a content management tool to monitor prices of various items on an e-commerce site. Whenever the price changes, the content management tool can either change the other prices automatically, or alert the Web developer to change the price on the affected Web pages. Accessibility Web developers must also make sure that Web surfers can use the Web site. Accessibility tools can check that Web pages are accessible to people with visual impairments. If a company receives federal funding, this is now required of any Web pages provided to Web users. Accessibility tools can also check how Web pages look on various Web browser types and versions. With a click, Web developers can obtain screen shots of their Web page displayed in multiple Web browsers instead of opening each page in every possible Web browser type and version. Web developers also use these tools to determine which browser version and screen resolution can best access their Web sites. Finally, accessibility tools can help Web developers determine download times for various Web pages. Web developers must consider how long it takes a user to see certain pages. If download times are too slow, users might find another place to buy a product or search for information. Link Management Most Web developers depend on link management tools to constantly check for broken links on their Web sites. Link management tools not only look for dead links on the Web developer's Web site but also any broken links from a Web developer's Web page to an external Web site. The Web is a dynamic environment and Web addresses change or links stop working on a daily basis. Web developers depend on link management software to help keep Web sites functioning. Most link management software includes a site mapping function. This function helps Web developers create a sketch or diagram of their Web site. Site mapping is also useful to help you create a list of various links to available content on a Web site. Below are a few Web site management tools designed for specific purposes. Remember to check your WYSIWYG editor for Web site management tools as well: - CAST Bobby: A Web-based service from the Center for Applied Special Technology that checks your Web pages to make sure they are accessible to people with disabilities.
- Content Managers: A Dmoz list of many of the content management tools available to you.
- Ixsite Web Analyzer and Mapping Software: This software creates visual maps of your Web site. It also checks links, and searches for broken images and dated content.
- NetMechanic: A Web-based service that checks your hyperlinks and HTML code for mistakes. NetMechanic offers many other Web-based services to help you manage your Web site.
- Site Mapper: A program that creates a detailed site map of your Web site. This can be used to help people find items on your Web site.
- Site Valet: A Web-based service that checks to make sure all of your HTML links are not dead links (404s).
Image and Photo Editors You know that without images, the Web wouldn't be as fun to use. Web developers know that the best Web sites have a good balance of text and images. Web developers use HTML and WYSIWYG editors to create content, color schemes, page layouts, and other interactive scripts. However, they also need a good image and photo editor to make sure they provide effective images. When you need to use digital photos, graphical buttons and text, or advertising banners, you'll use some type of image and photo editor to create new images or manipulate existing ones. Image and photo editors range in cost, function, and features as well. We've listed the more popular editors below: - Adobe Illustrator: The most-used graphic and image creation software. Many graphics professionals use advanced features to create images. However, it's simple enough for anyone to use.
- Adobe Photoshop: The image and photo editing application used by most professionals.
- Corel Draw: Another graphic and image creation software application. It can also be used for image and photo editing.
- Jasc Paint Shop Pro: A low-cost, versatile image and photo editor. It can also be used for image creation.
- Macromedia Fireworks: A good companion program to Macromedia Dreamweaver to create and edit images and photos.
Web developers use an image and photo editor to help them effectively incorporate images into Web sites. Most Web developers only use a small portion of the features and leave more complicated image creation and photo manipulation to graphics designers. Still, a basic understanding can help you develop some great Web pages. Here are a few tutorials to get you started: Freeware and Open Source You'll soon see that there's one thing in common with all of the above software packages and editors: they cost money. In this section we've provided links to freeware, or public domain software, you can use for free. There are links to open source software packages as well. Open source software is also free to use. HTML Editors - Arachnophila: A Java-based HTML editor. This program has been around for some time.
- Context: Another free scripting editor for various scripting (and programming) languages.
- XEmacs: A graphical version of the popular emacs text editor. Many Web developers use this software to edit Web pages.
- HTML-Kit: This program handles HTML, XML, and other scripting languages.
- SiteAid: A multi-purpose HTML and other scripting editor.
- WinVi: A Microsoft Windows version of the popular vi editor.
WYSIWYG Editors - Netscape Composer: One of the first free WYSIWYG editors. Netscape Composer is still one of the most-used free editors.
- DaveCentral's List: A list of free WYSIWYG Editors from DaveCentral's site.
Web site Management Tools Image and Photo Editors - GIMP: A powerful image and photo editor. Also useful for designing graphics. Comparable to the capabilities of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
- GNU's Graphics Applications: A collection of open source graphics applications.
Back to the top Web Scripting and Programming Now that you've tried and selected your Web development tools, you're ready to learn more about how Web developers and programmers use scripting languages to add features and interactivity to Web sites. Remember from Chapter 11 that scripting languages are interpreted programming languages that work within another application to perform tasks. In our case, the application is a Web browser. One of the best places to find resources, samples, and tutorials on scripting languages is on the Web. In this section, we've chosen the most-used scripting languages and provided you with links to help you learn more about each language. Make sure to come back often, as these links will change to reflect new information and scripting languages to help you improve your Web sites. If you find a particularly good reference Web site, make sure to let us know at i-series@mcgraw-hill.com. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) We spent a section of Chapter 4 showing you how to use basic HTML tags to create a Web page. We discussed general tags, list tags, link tags, and image tags. HTML remains the scripting language most often used to organize and present Web pages. In this section we'll show you some links to sites that can help you learn more about creating great Web sites using HTML. - Davesite: A basic, interactive set of interactive HTML tutorials.
- HTMLGoodies: Sooner or later most Web developers come to this Web site for simple instructions on how to accomplish a task with HTML.
- Pagetutor: If you want to start from the beginning and learn HTML scripting, this is the Web site to visit.
- PageResource: Once you've mastered basic HTML, here are some advanced HTML tutorials.
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) In Chapter 4 we discussed XML and how you can use key words to identify similar items and organize information on the Web. XML allows you to categorize items found on your Web site using scripting schemas. Web developers use these schemas to organize information and make it easy to create Web sites that are simple to navigate. New ways to use XML are appearing each day. It's one of the hottest scripting languages and promises to make the Web an even more useful resource. We've included some XML resources and tutorials for you: - W3C XML Site: The World Wide Web Consortium's reference site. Here is where you can learn everything you'd want to know about XML. It's a very large and technically-oriented Web site, so it's not the best place to start learning about XML, but well worth repeated visits.
- W3Schools: A good place to start learning XML. This Web site is full of XML tutorials.
- XML.org: Here you can find all the latest industry news on XML. If you want to know exactly what is happening with XML in business, this is the place to go.
- XML.com: One of the most comprehensive XML resource sites for tutorials.
XHTML (eXtensible HTML) XHTML combines the formatting power of HTML with the organizing power of XML. Using XHMTL, Web developers can create Web sites that will work on various Web browsers and devices. Moreover, they won't have to write a different Web page for a computer's Web browser versus a PDA's Web browser. Web developers use XML namespaces to make sure that each Web browser correctly reads HTML tags according to the type of Web browser. Because XHTML uses XML to organize HTML tags, every Web page will look the same on every Web browser. Until XHTML, this was close to impossible for Web designers to accomplish. XHTML is a new application of two existing scripting languages (HTML 4.0 and XML) and it shows much promise. Web developers are especially interested in XHTML because it can help them develop Web sites that are easily accessible by wireless devices. Here are some Web sites to help you learn more about using XHTML: - W3C XHTML Site: The W3C Web site is the definitive stop to learning about XHTML's technical and programming requirements.
- Website Tips: A collection of XHTML tutorials and articles.
- XHTML.org: You'll find that there are many XHTML modules and applications being developed. This Web site lists most of them.
- XML.org: A few tutorials on XHTML.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Web developers use CSS to separate the content from the display of a Web page. Using CSS, Web developers set color schemes, layout, and themes on a Web page and use only HTML to present the content. CSS also makes it easier for Web developers to present a consistent theme throughout a Web site by using the cascading nature of style sheets. Developers use an external style sheet to set formats for the entire Web site. An external style sheet is a file referenced by each Web page. Within each Web page, developers use an embedded style sheet. An embedded style sheet sets options such as font type and size, color, and element placement for a particular Web page. If developers want to highlight one element on a Web page, they use an inline style sheet. An inline style sheet sets the display properties for one element on a Web page. Here are a few resources to help you learn how to effectively use CSS in your Web site: JavaScript Sun Microsystems and Netscape developed JavaScript to help Web developers add dynamic content to Web pages. Remember that JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language that allows you to add interactivity to a Web page. JavaScript can be placed in your HTML or in an external .js (JavaScript) file. Almost all Web browsers support JavaScript. JavaScript can be used to place the current data and time on a Web page, make sure Web forms are filled out correctly before users submit them, and to create many of the shopping carts you see on e-commerce sites. Although JavaScript is a fairly easy programming language to learn, it still takes some practice to get JavaScript to work how you want it. Fortunately, there are many JavaScript tutorial and resource Web sites. Many of them have JavaScript code you can copy as long as you keep the author's name in your code: DHTML (Dynamic HTML) DHTML combines CSS, JavaScript, specific tag extensions, and other markup languages to bring high interactivity to Web sites. Web developers use DHTML to create Web pages that change according to what you do with your Web browser. Images can change and text can appear or disappear on the Web page. Since DHTML is all on the client-side, interactivity is very quick. DHTML uses the document object model to control all of the elements on a Web page. The document object model (DOM) specifies how programs can represent and use elements of a Web page. Text, images, headings, and even hyperlinks are part of the DOM. Unfortunately, the DOM for Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer are different. As a result DHTML doesn't consistently work with both Web browsers. Still, Web developers depend on DHTML for Web sites that require high levels of interactivity. Here are some DHTML resources: VBScript (Visual Basic Script) Microsoft developed VBScript, or Visual Basic Scripting Edition, to add interactivity to Web sites. VBScript is an interpreted scripting language based on Visual Basic. VBScript is similar to JavaScript. VBScript is most often used in Active Server Pages to add increased levels of interactivity. CGI-scripts (Common Gateway Interface scripts) Web developers use the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) specification to transfer and process data between a Web page and the Web server. CGI programs are server-side applications that follow the Common Gateway Interface specification. CGI programs process data collected in Web forms, access databases, and track the number of visitors to a Web page with a Web counter. A Web counter is a CGI program that counts the number of times people visit a Web page. CGI programmers can use C, Java, Visual Basic, AppleScript, and other programming languages to write CGI programs, but most use Perl. Practical Extraction and Reporting Language (Perl) is an interpreted scripting language and one of the best languages for processing large amounts of text. You can learn more about these programming languages at the Programming languages Web page. There are various CGI resources available on the Web. Remember, you need access to a Web server's cgi-bin to install these programs. Most likely, you will need to ask the Web manager to do this for you. - CGI Resource Index: The most comprehensive collection of CGI scripts. This is where all Web developers go to look for CGI scripts.
- HTMLGoodies CGI Tutorials: This Web resource walks you through downloading and installing CGI scripts in a Web server's cgi-bin directory. This Web site is especially useful if you want a basic introduction to Perl.
- Perl.org: A comprehensive listing of resources and tutorials necessary to learn and use Perl.
- Learn Perl: An extensive set of Perl tutorials.
ASP (Active Server Pages) Web developers use ASPa combination of HTML, VBScript, and specific commandsto build interactive Web pages. ASP pages use both client and server-side programming languages. With ASP Web developers can customize Web pages by developing interactive elements on the client-side. But Web developers can also use ASP to retrieve elements from the server to process forms, interact with databases, and create Web applications such as E-Commerce storefronts. ASP technology will run on both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. You've probably accessed ASP pages as you surfed the Web. They have the .asp extension instead of .htm or .html. However, only Microsoft Web servers can run ASP technology. Some companies provide software to allow other types of Web servers to run ASP. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) PHP is a server-side scripting language Web developers use to create dynamic Web pages. Instead of the .asp extension on files, you'll see a .php extension. PHP is growing in popularity because more businesses are using Linux Web servers. Linux is an open source operating system. PHP is also an open source language. Open source software is free to anyone who wants it. Because of this PHP and Linux are popular choices for people who want to develop their own interactive Web sites but don't have much money to invest. - PHP.net: The Web site for all PHP information. You can view tutorials and download the latest version of PHP here.
- PHPBuilder: This Web site offers many intermediate to advanced PHP tutorials.
- Zend PHP Tutorials: Tutorials written by the company that created PHP.
Back to the top Design Guides Web development is more than putting together a collection of technologies to dazzle Web users. Web developers must also learn how to create Web pages that work well for a variety of Web audiences. Web design is important to attract and keep users at Web sites. When a potential customer can leave your Web site with a click of the mouse, you need to make sure they enjoy your Web site enough to stay. You should consider many items when designing your Web site. We've covered this in the I-Witness boxes throughout the chapters. You need to learn how to effectively use frames, tables, navigation, colors, images, and other items to make a usable Web site. In addition, as a Web developer you might not be creating the content, but you still need to make sure that it reads well and makes sense to users. Fortunately, there are a variety of Web guides available to help you determine how to effectively create Web sites. However, you should know that they don't all agree with one another. It's up to you to decide what works best for your intended audience and purpose. If you're developing a Web site for a company, check to see if they have a corporate Web design guide. Many companies do. Here are some links to references that help you develop your own Web design style: - Bare Bones Guide to HTML: This downloadable file will help you effectively use HTML tags.
- Do's and Don'ts in Web Design: A Web site that lists 100 items about what to do and not to do in your Web site.
- Usable Web: This Web resource collects current links to Web sites to help you develop Web design standards.
- WebSitesThatSuck: Vincent Flanders' Web resource helps you understand what not to do with your Web sites.
- Yale Style Manual: Although this Web site was originally designed for the Yale Medical School, it's one of the premiere Web design guides.
Back to the top Multimedia Plain text and images don't attract Web surfers to Web sites as readily as they used to. Today's Web surfer expects the Web to mimic the audio-visual experience of current media such as television, but also to be more interactive. Web developers have turned to multimedia as the answer. As Web browsers become more sophisticated and users' computers become more powerful, Web developers have been able to add increased levels of interactivity to their Web sites. Web multimedia is the use of audio, video, animation, and other elements to allow interactivity on a Web site or page. We've spent a fair amount of time discussing and showing you these multimedia and interactive technologies on this Web site (visit the MMIT page). Here, we'll point you to some Web resources that will help you learn these various multimedia technologies. Animated Gifs Audio and Video Streaming Media Flash Shockwave VRML Web3D Back to the top Behind the Scenes We've discussed many aspects of Web development in this Lifelong Learning section. Up to this point we've focused on how to design and develop what the Web surfer sees on the Web site. However, just as important is what happens "behind the scenes" to make the Web and its many applications possible. Without professionals working to develop and maintain Web servers, databases, architectures, and security, the Web wouldn't be able to do what it does today. In this final section, we'd share various technologies and techniques that Web developers depend on to implement their Web sites. In most cases, Web developers don't create and maintain these technologies. Rather, people like system administrations, DBAs, and security professionals make sure that Web developers have these various tools available to them. Web Architecture We've discussed Web sites in terms of how their various pages fit together to make a coherent and easily navigated Web site. What we haven't talked about is who makes sure that the Web sites themselves are always available on the Internet. Web architects make sure that Web sites are available and that Web developers have all the resources they need. Web architects design the complete Web system: the Web server hardware, software, and networks (Internet, intranet, and extranet). Many times a Web architect is a senior-level Web developer. Web architects understand the complete business environment and how to make sure the Web sites and related technology fit into the business processes and mission. Web architects also research the best ways to display information on a page. Most people refer to this practice as Information Architecture. Below are a few links on Web and Information Architecture. Web Servers In order to run a Web server, you'll need specific software designed to send HTML files to Web browsers, send e-mail, or allow people to download files from your Web server. Remember that a Web server's primary duty is to provide information and services to Web surfers. Web servers at least need server software to allow surfers to request HTML files and view them as Web pages in a Web browser. The three most popular types of Web serving software are Apache, Internet Information Services (IIS), and Mac OS X: Once you've installed your Web server, you might want to allow people to download (or upload) software. For this, you'll need an FTP server. File transfer protocol allows you to transfer files from one computer to another. One of the more popular FTP server is ProFTPD, but there are others as well. Web server software, such as Microsoft's IIS, include an FTP server: Of course, you might also need to set up a mail server so people can e-mail one another. If this is the case, you can choose from a variety of mail servers such as Sendmail, Microsoft Exchange, or Eudora Internet Mail: There are many other server software options you might need. We recommend you start at the Web site below to find what you need: Web Databases In Chapter 8 we discussed how databases are used in business. More specifically, you learned how Web-enabled databases could run Web catalogs, Web search engines, and Web personalization of sites. What we didn't discuss is how you can use databases on the Web to do all of this. We discuss specific databases in greater detail on this site (visit the DBs & DBMSs page), so let's focus on some resources to help you make your own Web site more functional with a Web database. And here are some programs designed to help you create Web databases as a Web developer: - Macromedia UltraDev: A development tool that combines Dreamweaver with the ability to create Websites linked to databases.
- Microsoft InterDev: Combines the power of a WYSIWYG Web editor with the ability to create database driven Web applications using ASP.
- Sun's JDBC: Sun's Java Database Connectivity allows you to use Java programs to access databases.
- Webteacher: An easy-to-install Web database program.
- WODA: A simple Web database you can use to add interactivity. This allows you to create a Web database without any programming knowledge.
Web Security In Chapters 7 and 8 you learned about the importance of information security. Whether you're purchasing goods and services online, entering contests, or just surfing the Web, there's a chance that someone is looking to steal information about you. As a Web developer, it's your job to make sure that the information people provide to your Web site is protected. You need to develop and use secure protocols on your site if you are asking for sensitive information, such as credit card numbers. You also need to make sure you stay informed about security risks and security holes in software you are using. Let's first look at how you can stay informed about security issues. Remaining informed about threats to security ensures you can keep Web software updated. By remaining current you can make sure information processed at your Web site is secure: - CERT: The Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center is the main source for security violations and viruses. You should check the Web site often, or sign up for e-mail alerts when they discover software holes and viruses.
- Microsoft Security Site: This resource center is tailored specifically for Microsoft products. Microsoft also provides software patches for any security issues at this Web site.
- W3School Security Tutorial: This tutorial demonstrates the basic security risks you should consider every time you surf the Web.
- Web Developer's Security Resources: A collection of resources designed to help Web developers with security issues.
- World Wide Web Security FAQ: This is a detailed explanation of almost everything you need to consider when you develop Web sites and maintain Web servers. There's much to read here, but it's important information for Web developers and architects.
As a Web developer you also need to make sure you provide secure transactions when you ask users to give you personal information, such as login IDs, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. Although information and Web security is usually the job of security experts, Web developers do need to know what is needed to provide basic security: - OpenSSL: OpenSSL provides encryption between your Web site and the user's Web browser so no sensitive information can be seen as it travels the Internet.
- Apache SSL: SSL for the Apache Web server.
- Web Site Certificate: VeriSign provides a Web site with a site certificate. This certificate lets users know that you are who you say you are. A secure transaction cannot take place without a certificate. You can also purchase these certificates from Thawte and SSL.com
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