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International Politics on the World Stage, Brief 4/e
World Politics: International Politics on the World Stage, Brief, 4/e
John T. Rourke, University of Connecticut - Storrs
Mark A. Boyer, University of Connecticut - Storrs

National Power and Diplomacy: The Traditional Approach

Web Links

Winston Churchill

This site designed for use in Scottish schools contains a Churchill biography and many original documents and photos as part of its comprehensive look at the former British prime minister.

Kosovo Crisis

This U.S. State Department site covers the Kosovo situation through January 2001, including relevant speeches by key Clinton administration officials, facts, press releases, maps, and reports.

Iraq's invasion of Kuwait

This site includes interviews with key government and military leaders as well as oral histories from Gulf War soldiers, culled from the PBS television program Frontline and the British Broadcasting Corporation. Also included are links to maps, a chronology, and other related Gulf War information.

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This BBC News article from February 1998 summarizes an agreement reached between UN Secretary-General Annan and Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Aziz to allow weapons inspections inside Iraq..


The Cable News Network's summary of the February 1998 Annan-Aziz deal also includes useful links to maps and further information about the Iraqi weapons buildup.

Brain Drain

This is the site of Canada's Brain Drain, which explores the reasons Canadians leave their country to seek better opportunities in the United States. Similar issues cause technical professionals to leave LDC countries in Asia.


Included here are biographies, timelines, and general information about World War II as seen from the British perspective.

U.S.-North Korea Nuclear Crisis

This Nuclear Control Institute report gives background information about North Korea's lack of compliance with International Atomic Energy Agency standards regarding inspection of its nuclear reactors. It also discusses the possibility that raw materials from these reactors are being used to create nuclear weapons.

Crises between China and Taiwan

This Federation of American Scientists site discusses several potential scenarios for the continuing Taiwan-China conflict, with a special emphasis on the military capabilities of the two nations and the possibility of military action in the near future.

U.S.-Iraq Inspection Crisis

This CNN site covers the December 1998 U.S. air strike on Iraq. A timeline, maps, images, and other documents provide background information on the Iraq-United States and Iraq-United Nation conflicts.

Relationship between Japan and the United States

This U.S. State Department site gives detailed background information on Japan, including its history, current governmental/political situation, economy, and relations with the United States.

Middle East

This storehouse of key documents relevant to Middle East history also features a lengthy bibliography useful for further research.

Arab-Israeli Conflict

News, documents, and information about terrorism from a counter-terrorism institute. The site includes a section devoted to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Mideast Peace

This look at the Mideast peace process from the Israeli perspective includes a summary of recent developments and links to relevant speeches and documents.

Palestine/Israel Conflict

This site provides news, analysis, historical documents, and information about the Palestine/Israel conflict from a broad range of perspectives on both sides of the conflict.

Middle East Peace Negotiations

Here you'll find news updates on Middle East peace negotiations from the U.S. government's point of view.

China's entry into the World Trade Organization

This article discusses China's attempts to enter the World Trade Organization and world reaction to that possibility.

Secret Diplomacy

Produced as a companion to a public television program, this site covers President Nixon's diplomatic efforts in China through biographies of key U.S. and Chinese officials, a summary of events, maps, and other interactive material.

Shift in Korean Relations

This BBC article summarizes developments in North Korea-South Korea relations during the summer of 2000 and provides links to further information about the history and politics of the region.

Camp David Accords

The text of the agreement reached in 1978 by Egyptian President Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Begin, and U.S. President Carter in an effort to achieve Mideast peace.

1978 Camp David Meetings

This site provides background information and analysis of the 1978 Camp David meetings from the U.S. perspective, with a section on President Carter's view of events.


Battlefield: Vietnam presents a useful summary of military conflict in Vietnam from 1954 to the end of U.S. involvement in 1975, along with links to more detailed information about specific aspects of the war such as the use of air power and the importance of guerrilla tactics.

Vietnam Documents

Here is a long list of links to primary source material related to U.S. policy toward Vietnam, including many speeches, articles, documents, and reports.

Opening Moves

Produced as a companion to a public television program, this site covers President Nixon's diplomatic efforts in China through biographies of key U.S. and Chinese officials, a summary of events, maps, and other interactive material.

Korean War

Historical information, biographies of key figures, maps, interviews, and a bibliography are among the features of this U.S. Department of Defense site commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Korean conflict.

Iran and the United States

This transcript of a 1998 PBS television program includes a discussion between an Iranian academic and a former U.S. diplomat centering on the status of relations between the two countries.

Kharrazi and Albright Meeting

This news article summarizes a 2000 meeting between Iranian Foreign Minister Kharrazi and U.S. Secretary of State Albright in which they discussed relations between the two countries and shared views on the Afghanistan situation.