How do we know that fission isn't responsible for the sun's energy?A) fission doesn't produce enough energy per gram of fuel B) if fission were going on in the sun, the sun would explode C) if fission were going on in the sun, the sun's mass would increase D) there isn't very much fissionable material in the sun 2
The proton-proton chain, by which the sun produces its energy, is an example ofA) a chemical reaction B) fission C) fusion D) gravitational contraction 3
Approximately how long is the main sequence lifetime of the sun?A) 10 billion years B) 1 billion years C) 100 million years D) 10 million years 4
What happens to the radiant energy produced in nuclear reactions in the core of the sun?A) it diffuses out of the sun about 100,000 years after it is produced B) it escapes from the sun at the speed of light a few seconds later C) it is quickly converted into neutrinos D) it triggers more nuclear reactions 5
Why are astronomers interested in studying solar neutrinos?A) they tell about the nuclear reactions in the sun B) they are produced in sunspots C) they can tell us why the corona is so hot D) they are left over from the formation of the sun 6
The two most abundant elements in the sun areA) hydrogen and helium B) iron and silicon C) nitrogen and oxygen D) hydrogen and oxygen 7
The "surface" of the sun that we see in visible wavelengths is theA) chromosphere B) core C) corona D) photosphere 8
The hottest layer of the atmosphere of the sun is theA) chromosphere B) corona C) photosphere D) transition region 9
Why do sunspots appear dark?A) they emit no light B) they are transparent and let us see deeper, darker layers C) they are cooler than their surroundings D) they are shadows 10
To what does the 22-year solar cycle refer?A) sunspots B) the length of time it takes the sun to rotate C) a variation in the number of solar neutrinos detected D) the typical length of time required for the proton-proton cycle