I. Define social cognition and explain the role of the self in reconciling two opposing theories of social cognition (naive scientist vs. cognitive miser).
II. Describe the processes behind and reasons for categorization of information.
III. Explain the relationship between social categorization and stereotyping and the role of power in its use.
IV. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of stereotyped thinking and explain how illusory correlations help to maintain stereotypes.
V. Identify sources for views of masculinity and femininity and summarize the findings of cross-cultural research on these traits.
VI. List three heuristics used to make judgments and give an example of each, their purposes, and use.
VII. Explain mental simulations and their association with hindsight bias and counterfactual thinking and explain the difference between them.
VIII. Describe the effects of the false consensus effect and the confirmation bias.
IX. Summarize the research on the underlying processes for self-fulfilling prophecy, including its effects and limitations.
X. Define the just-world belief and explain its effects when evaluating victims of misfortune.
XI. Define learned helplessness and list three types of attributions that can contribute to its onset.
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