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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The way in which we interpret, analyze, remember, and use information about the social world is called ______________.
A)social classification
B)social organization
C)social belonging
D)social cognition

People tend to rely on readily apparent common features when classifying. This type of classification can become automatic. An apple or robin are examples of a _____________.
A)social group
B)classification theory
D)social organization

An example of a stereotype is _____________.
A)females are nurses, males are doctors
B)baby girls are dressed in pink
C)all males like sports
D)all of the above

Illusory correlation is ____________.
A)a false belief that two variables are associated
B)a type of prototype classification
C)overgeneralization of one variable to populations
D)none of the above

An example of a heuristic is _____________.
A)expecting to find cheese in the refrigerated aisle at the supermarket
B)going down every aisle at the supermarket looking for cheese
C)a 'rule of categories'
D)all of the above

To overestimate your ability in having foreseen the outcome of an event is called _____________.
A)over confidence
B)heuristic confidence
D)none of the above

Judgments or decisions that we automatically and unconsciously make are part of ____________.
A)explicit cognition
B)implicit cognition
C)explicit recognition
D)implicit recognition

When we overestimate that our own beliefs, attitudes, and opinions are common to the population, we are committing ______________.
A)confirmatory bias
B)bias by illusion
C)false consensus
D)none of the above

Learned helplessness is _____________.
A)learning to ask for help all the time
B)repeatedly experiencing a lack of control in bad life circumstances and feeling rejected
C)self-actualizing your experiences and feeling good about life
D)learning to help others in time of need

According to studies, which gender is judged more by gender stereotypes?
C)no distinction has been found
D)the findings are contradictory

The tendency to evaluate events by imaging alternative versions or outcomes to what actually happened is termed ______________.
A)hindsight bias
B)counterfeit thinking
C)counterfactual thinking
D)none of the above

Self-fulfilling prophecy means _____________.
A)expectations about oneself or others leads to the fulfillment of those expectations
B)the ideas about oneself are always positive
C)'bad things happen to bad people'
D)'do unto others as you would have others do unto you'

A belief system in which the world is perceived to be a fair and equitable place, with people getting what they deserve is ____________.
A)just-deserving belief
B)just-world belief
C)an 'eye for an eye' theory
D)none of the above

A habitual tendency to attribute negative events to internal, stable, and global causes, and positive events to external, unstable, and specific causes is ____________.
A)false consensus
B)just-world belief
C)optimistic explanatory style
D)pessimistic explanatory style

_______________ has to do with the degree to which a person stands out relative to others in a given situation.
D)all of the above

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