Test your implicit attitudes and hidden biases. What is your reaction to
your performance?
This site at Yale University explains the concept of implicit attitudes and
associations - biases that exist below the level of our conscious awareness
and control. You can test your implicit attitudes toward gender, race, age,
and other social categories. You really have to try this.
Describe cognitive dissonance theory. How can dissonance be created and
reduced? Think of examples from your own life when you have probably used
dissonance reduction techniques. How does dissonance reduction contribute
to a person's sense of self?
http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Festinger/index.htm Cognitive Consequences of Forced Compliance by Leon Festinger and
James Carlsmith provides a classic demonstration of dissonance creation and
reduction. This article is a true classic and a must-read for any student
of social psychology.
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