|  Reading and All That Jazz: Tuning Up Your Reading, Thinking, and Study Skills, 2/e Peter Mather,
Glendale Community College Rita McCarthy,
Glendale Community College
Figurative Language
Web Links
Reading Selection: Ann Landers
The legal age for drinking varies from country to country. Do some research on the Internet and try to determine whether there is any relationship between differing ages of legal alcohol consumption and rates of adults who become dependent on alcohol. This is a good website to consult. Visit this site and click on "Drinking/Alcohol." The site also provides information on binge drinking (the consumption of five or more drinks in a row) among youth and college age students.
| http://collegelife.about.com
Many resource and support groups have become available to help problem drinkers in the past few years. However, Alcoholics Anonymous still sets the standard for self-help groups. Check out this site to take an alcohol assessment test.
| http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org
For another self-assessment test designed specifically for students, go to this website, and click on "Are You at Risk?"
| http://www.glness.com/ndhs/risk.html
Reading Selection: Guernica, by Rita Gilbert
Guernica is located in the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, Spain. Visit this website at
| http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es
Reading Selection: The Yellow Ribbon, by Pete Hamill
To read a more recent column by Pete Hamill, visit this following website. Click on "Search Archives." Then click on Pete Hamill" in the columnist category. Find a column of Hamill's of interest to you.
| http://www.nydailynews.com
Reading Selection: An excerpt from A Walk in the Woods, by Bill Bryson
There are approximately 58,000 brown bears left in North America. According to National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore, the brown bear is a wildly unpredictable animal--some members of this endangered species are as sweet-tempered as Mary Poppins and others are as wicked as Charles Manson. Visit the National Geographic website for an online interview with Sartore on the difficulties of photographing bears.
| http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0107