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Adolescence 9/e Book Cover
Adolescence, 9/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas, Dallas

Achievement, Careers, and Work

Learning Goals

1.0 Why Adolescence is a Critical Juncture in Achievement

A. The Importance of Adolescence in Achievement

1.1 What is the importance of adolescence in achievement?

1.2 What determines how well adolescents adapt to social and academic pressures?

2.0 Discuss Achievement Processes

A. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

2.1 What is extrinsic motivation?

2.2 What is intrinsic motivation?

B. Self-Determination and Personal Choice

2.3 What are the self-determining characteristics of intrinsic motivation?

2.4 What can be done to increase students' internal motivation?

C. Optimal Experiences and Flow

2.5 What is flow?

2.6 When is flow most likely to occur?

D. Attribution

2.7 What is attribution theory?

2.8 What, according to Weiner, are the three dimensions of causal attributions?

2.9 What are locus, stability, and controllability?

2.10 How do these dimensions produce different explanations of failures?

E. Mastery Motivation

2.11 What is mastery orientation?

2.12 What is meant by helpless orientation?

2.13 What is performance orientation?

F. Self-Efficacy

2.14 What is self-efficacy?

2.15 What is Bandura's view of self-efficacy?

2.16 What is Schunk's view of self-efficacy?

2.17 What are some educational applications for self-efficacy?

G. Goal-Setting, Planning, and Self-Monitoring

2.18 How does goal-setting benefit students' self-efficacy and achievement?

2.19 How do Dweck and Nicholls define goals?

2.20 What are the characteristics of a good planner?

H. Anxiety

2.21 What is the nature of anxiety?

2.22 Where does high anxiety come from?

2.23 What can be done to help students cope with anxiety?

3.0 Describe the Roles of Ethnicity and Culture in Achievement

A. Ethnicity and Culture

3.1 What are the respective roles of ethnicity and culture in achievement?

3.2 Why is it important to consider diversity of achievement within an ethnic group?

3.3 How do American adolescents size up against their Asian counterparts in terms of achievement?

4.0 How to Motivate Hard-To-Reach, Low-Achieving Students

4.1 What are the characteristics of the discouraged student?

4.2 According to Brophy, what does it take to reach a discouraged student?

4.3 What is failure syndrome, and where does it come from?

4.4 What strategies benefit adolescents who are motivated to protect self-worth and avoid failure?

4.5 What are self-handicapping strategies?

4.6 According to Covington, what strategies can teachers use to protect student self-worth and avoid failure?

5.0 Know About Career Development

A. Theories of Career Development

5.1 What are the three theories of career development?

5.2 What are the characteristics of Ginzberg'sdevelopmental career choice theory?

5.3 What are the characteristics of Super's vocational career self-concept theory?

5.4 What is the nature of Holland'spersonality type theory of career development?

B. Cognitive Factors

5.5 What are the cognitive dimensions of career development?

5.6 What are the roles of exploration, decision making, and planning in adolescent career development?

5.7 According to Grotevant and Durrett (1980), what two aspects of careers do students lack information on?

C. Social Contexts

5.8 What are the most important social contexts that influence career development?

5.9 What roles do socioeconomic status, parents and peers, schools, gender, and ethnicity play in career development?

6.0 The Role of Work in Adolescence

A. Sociohistorical Context of Adolescent Work

6.1 How likely are adolescents to hold full-time jobs today?

6.2 How many adolescents work part-time?

6.3 What kind of jobs are adolescents working today?

6.4 Do male and female adolescents take the same types of jobs, and are they paid equally?

B. Advantages and Disadvantages of Part-Time Work in Adolescence

6.5 Does the increase in work have benefits for adolescents?

6.6 What are the advantages of part-time work for adolescents?

6.7 What are the disadvantages of part-time work for adolescents?

C. The Transition from School to Work

6.8 What are the rates of adolescent unemployment?

6.9 What can be done to bridge the gap between school and work?

D. Work/Career-Based Learning

6.10 What is career-based learning?

6.11 What three types of high schools exemplify a college-and-career approach?

6.12 What are single-theme schools?

6.13 What are schools-within-schools?

6.14 What are majors, clusters, or pathways in the school curriculum?