1 |  |  The motive with the greatest impact on the quality of adult life is |
|  | A) | sexuality. |
|  | B) | fear. |
|  | C) | affiliation. |
|  | D) | achievement. |
2 |  |  Aaron studies very hard. He concentrates on the sciences because he wants to become an environmental biologist. Aaron could be described as |
|  | A) | motivated. |
|  | B) | intelligent. |
|  | C) | unrealistic. |
|  | D) | a hurried adolescent. |
3 |  |  Attribution theory indicates that individuals attribute people's behavior to two causes: |
|  | A) | direct and indirect. |
|  | B) | inferred and observed. |
|  | C) | internal and external. |
|  | D) | scientific and psychological. |
4 |  |  A parent of an adolescent decides to join the community band. His daughter asks why he joined, since he won't make any money and few people attend the concerts. He responds, "I just like playing with the band." He is __________ motivated. |
|  | A) | achievement |
|  | B) | intrinsically |
|  | C) | extrinsically |
|  | D) | mastery |
5 |  |  One key feature of the helpless orientation is |
|  | A) | attributing failure to internal causes. |
|  | B) | overestimating the role of effort. |
|  | C) | underestimating the importance of external incentives. |
|  | D) | fear of failure. |
6 |  |  It is very difficult and dangerous to make sweeping generalizations about achievement motivation in ethnic minority adolescents because |
|  | A) | it has never been studied systematically. |
|  | B) | there is more variability within groups than among groups. |
|  | C) | all American groups score lower than Asian groups. |
|  | D) | social class is a more powerful predictor. |
7 |  |  Japanese children often outperform American children in math and science areas, perhaps because all of the following are true except that |
|  | A) | Japanese parents have higher expectations. |
|  | B) | Japanese children spend more time in school each week. |
|  | C) | Japanese teachers are better trained in math and science. |
|  | D) | the Japanese school year is longer. |
8 |  |  According to your text, the major reason for the "super achiever" image of Asian American adolescents (whose parents immigrated to the United States in the late 1960s to mid-1970s) is that |
|  | A) | their families have had more time to adjust to the culture. |
|  | B) | they are more intelligent. |
|  | C) | the males are encouraged to excel more than the females. |
|  | D) | they come from better-educated families. |
9 |  |  According to Eli Ginzberg, youngsters between the ages of 11 and 17 years progressively evaluate three aspects of career choice. The order of occurrence is: |
|  | A) | values, capacities, and interests. |
|  | B) | interests, capacities, and values. |
|  | C) | interests, values, and capacities. |
|  | D) | capacities, values, and interests. |
10 |  |  When individuals complete their education or training and enter the work force, Donald Super refers to this as the __________ stage. |
|  | A) | crystallization |
|  | B) | implementation |
|  | C) | stabilization |
|  | D) | specification |
11 |  |  Your son always had a way with words and got along well with peers and adults. According to John Holland, he would prefer the job of |
|  | A) | social worker. |
|  | B) | bank teller. |
|  | C) | construction worker. |
|  | D) | sales manager. |
12 |  |  The most important contribution made by John Holland's personality type theory to the career field was its |
|  | A) | consideration of the role of motivation on job performance. |
|  | B) | introduction of the conventional personality type. |
|  | C) | focus on psychological testing as a way of insuring job suitability. |
|  | D) | emphasis on linking individuals' personalities to the characteristics of given jobs. |
13 |  |  In order to benefit from career guidance courses and to show more systematic career planning, students need |
|  | A) | accurate knowledge concerning the educational requirements of careers. |
|  | B) | self-directed opportunities to engage in career exploration. |
|  | C) | courses that are taught by trained guidance counselors. |
|  | D) | to be in the implementation stage of vocational choice. |
14 |  |  When both parents work and seem to enjoy it, |
|  | A) | the parents try to live vicariously through their children's occupational choices. |
|  | B) | boys and girls learn work values from both parents. |
|  | C) | boys and girls aspire to higher status occupations. |
|  | D) | schools don't need to motivate students to get a good education. |
15 |  |  Which kind of job employs the most adolescents in part-time work? |
|  | A) | Unskilled laborers |
|  | B) | Clerical assistants |
|  | C) | Restaurant work |
|  | D) | Retail |
16 |  |  An adolescent female (16 years of age) who takes a part-time job can expect to |
|  | A) | make more money than males. |
|  | B) | work shorter hours than males. |
|  | C) | easily find a job as a newspaper carrier. |
|  | D) | easily find a job as a gardener. |
17 |  |  Which of the following represents an advantage of working during adolescence? |
|  | A) | Extensive on-the-job training |
|  | B) | Improved ability to manage money |
|  | C) | Improved school grades |
|  | D) | Greater enjoyment of school |
18 |  |  A number of adolescent problem behaviors are associated with part-time work, such as insufficient sleep and exercise. At what level of work does this begin to be apparent? |
|  | A) | 1 to 5 hours per week |
|  | B) | 6 to 10 hours per week |
|  | C) | 15 to 20 hours per week |
|  | D) | More than 20 hours per week |
19 |  |  Which foundation in the United States has been very active in developing programs for unemployed youth? |
|  | A) | John S. Sage |
|  | B) | William T. Grant |
|  | C) | Richard B. Williams |
|  | D) | John F. Kennedy Education |
20 |  |  Jaime Ecsalante was a(n) ______ teacher at Garfield High School, in East Los Angeles, California. |
|  | A) | English |
|  | B) | geography |
|  | C) | math |
|  | D) | physical education |