|  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Achievement, Careers, and Work
Web Links (Referenced in Text Margins)Motivation and Achievement
This article explores why student motivation is a problem in too many educational systems; examines the conditions that foster the motivation to learn. |
 |  |  | Intrinsic Motivation
This connects you with the Search ERIC Database. Type in the words "intrinsic motivation" and you will be able to read about such topics as the effects of individualistic vs. competitive motivation on intrinsic motivation, the impact of teaching strategies on intrinsic motivation, and others. |
 |  |  | Attribution
This also links you with the Search ERIC Database. Type in the word "attribution" and you will be able to access information about such topics as computer attributions, teacher attributions and anxiety, and many others. |
 |  |  | Mastery Motivation
This connection takes you to the Search ERIC Database. Type in the words "mastery motivation" and you will be able to read about many aspects of the topic, including developmental differences in mastery motivation and mastery motivation and cognitive development. |
 |  |  | Exploring Self-Efficacy
Frank Pajares' web site with articles on such topics as self-efficacy, motivation, and math performance, current directions in self-efficacy research, strategies for inviting students to engage in self-efficacy, and students' perception of good teaching. |
 |  |  | Self-Efficacy Resources
Explore what self-efficacy is, Bandura's ideas, how self-efficacy can be assessed, and links to many other web sites with information about self-efficacy. |
 |  |  | Goal-Setting
This links you to the Search ERIC Database. Type in "goal-setting" and you will be able to read about such topics as goal-setting and attribution. |
 |  |  | Anxiety
This connects you with the Search ERIC Database. Type in the word "anxiety" and you can read about such topics as controlling school anxiety, self-esteem and anxiety, test anxiety and performance, math and English anxieties, speech anxiety, and computer anxiety. |
 |  |  | Harold Stevenson's Research
In this interview, leading research Harold Stevenson talks about his research on cross-cultural comparisons of achievement and his hope that our culture will raise our achievement expectations for students. |
 |  |  | Holland's Personality Types
At this web site, you can explore Holland's six personality types. You can find out which personality types characterize you and how they might link up with potential careers. |
 |  |  | Journal of Vocational Behavior
One of the leading journals in the vocational area. You can read the entire articles in the current and some recent past issues of the journal. |
 |  |  | Journal of Counseling Psychology
This American Psychological Association journal usually includes articles on career development. Explore the contents of recent issues at this web site. |
 |  |  | Occupational Outlook Handbook
This web site provides information about the latest edition of this handbook that is published every two years. |
 |  |  | Girls and Careers (DELETED by Santrock)
Examine issues involving girls and careers, including strategies for helping adolescents think about a variety of careers, stories of women in science-related businesses, and entrepreneur ideas for adolescent girls. |
 |  |  | The Working Adolescent
Read about many ideas on adolescents and work, including consequences of adolescent work and how much work is too much. |
 |  |  | Improving School-to-Work Transitions
Learn more about strategies for restructuring schools that could benefit adolescents' school-to-work transitions. |
 |  |  | National Institute for Work and Learning
Explore such topics as the role of parents in the school-to-work transition, the employer's role in school-to-work opportunities, and workplace mentoring of youth. |
 |  |  | Job Corps
The web site of the U.S.'s largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth 16-24 years of age. |
 |  |  | National Center for Research in Vocational Education
An outstanding web site with information about a wide range of vocational education issues. Extensive exploration of research issues, innovative educational programs, an informative newsletter, and many other resources are provided. Includes descriptions of a number of vocational education research programs that are currently being conducted. |
 |  |  | Exploring Vocational Education
The web site of the Office of Vocational Education with extensive links to many vocational education web sites. Includes information about "hot topics." |
 |  |  | Exploring Vocational Education
The web site of the Office of Vocational Education with extensive links to many vocational education web sites. Includes information about "hot topics." |