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Rethink Answers
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Section 1: Thinking

1. Define what is meant by the term availability heuristic. Knowing that we act on thoughts that we believe represent certain groups--negative thoughts about any race, age, or gender could lead to our developing a prejudice about that group. The media draws tragic events to our attention on a daily basis. If we believe these events to be true, we develop availability heuristics and use this information to guide future decision making (i.e., people froze while hiking, I shouldn't hike anymore). Awareness can prevent this by allowing us to assess what the real risks in a situation are and not rely on heuristics.

2. They are complementary. Divergent thinking generates a variety of creative solutions on how to solve a problem that can then be offered as choices. Convergent thinking takes choices and with knowledge and logic selects the best solution.

Section 3: Intelligence

4. Aptitude is defined as the measure of an individual's ability in a particular area. Achievement is a measure of what a person has learned. Job interviews are designed to address both of these areas. Applicants who are hired because of these interview criteria and then are capable on the job would confirm the validity of the interview methods, the interviews assess what they're intended to. If this arrangement worked repeatedly with job applicants, it would be considered a reliable hiring practice.

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