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Reviewer NotesThis first edition of Plant Anatomy would not have been possible without the considerate feedback from reviewers, to whom the author and the publisher are indebted. A complete listing of reviewers and some of their comments follow:
"I really like this CD, Plant Anatomy. The accuracy of the content seems very good, the writing level is appropriate and excellent, and the diagrams and micrographs chosen to illustrate structures would be hard to improve on."
"What I like best are the text and images, especially the electronmicrographs, with the helpful explanatory paragraphs. I liked the inclusion of both scientific and common names of the example plants."
"The illustrations are excellent—there is no other source that includes so many illustrations, including micrographs and diagrams, in one place."
-Dr. Sharon Eversmen Montana State University—Bozeman
"Features I liked best about this program include the logical progression of its content, its hierarchal organization, the wealth of information presented, the relative ease of navigating through the various topics, the ability to click on the name of a plant or term to produce a window showing the plant or defining the term, and excellent introductions at the beginning of each unit."
-Dr. Michael Sullivan Mississippi State University
"I liked the linking of bold-face terms to the glossary definitions. That is a definite improvement that books simply can't do."
"This CD will be a great reference for plant anatomy courses. The ability for students to see color images of traditionally black and white structures is a significant enhancement. I can easily see that this CD will become part of the course requirement for plant anatomy courses at universities such as the University of Texas, the University of Wisconsin, etc."
-Vic Landrum Washburn University
"I really liked the accessibility of the glossary. This seems an excellent use of a CD. The interactive TEM was great."
"Overall, I would give this CD a rating of 4 to 4.5 out of 5—very good. It offers a detailed and colorful walk through the main topics of plant anatomy, and would be a very useful tool for students, especially in lab."
-Dr. Jean Gerrath University of Northern Iowa
"I like the overall idea of the program, and the many good illustrations and explanations, and particularly where there are sequences of images explaining a process from several different approaches, using different types of microscopes and techniques. I also like the idea of lining the plant tissue preparations up to a habit photo of the plants from which they are derived."
-Dr. Kathleen Pigg Arizona State UniversityOther Reviewers include:
Lynn Clark Iowa State University
Roland R. Dute Auburn University
David Fisher Maharishi University of Management
Scott D. Russell University of Oklahoma
Steven E. Smith University of Arizona |