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Appelbaum, E.B. "Telephones and Algebra" Mathematics Teacher 90 (February 1997): 96-100.

Barb, C. and A.L. Quinn. "Problem Solving Does Not Have to Be a Problem" Mathematics Teacher 90 (October 1997): 536-591.

Battista, M.T. and C. Van Auken Borrow. "Using Spreadsheets to Promote Algebraic Thinking" Teaching Children Mathematics 4 (April 1998): 470-478.

Bay-Williams, Jennifer M. "Principles and Standards: What is Algebra in the Elementary School?" Teaching Children Mathematics 8 (December 2001): 196-200.

Bennett, A.B., Jr. "Visual Thinking and Number Relationships." Mathematics Teacher 81 (April 1988): 267-272.

Bezuska, S.J. and M.J. Kenney. "Even Perfect Numbers: (Update)2" Mathematics Teacher 90 (November 1997): 628-633.

Bishop, Joyce W., Albert D. Otto, and Cheryl A. Lubinski. "Promoting Algebraic Reasoning Using Students' Thinking." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (May 2001): 508-514.

Blubaugh, W.L. and K. Emmons. "Graphing for All Students" Mathematics Teacher 92 (April 1999): 323-326.

Brunner, A. and S. Sheenan. "The Algebra Launching PAD" Mathematics Teacher 90 (December 1997): 696-701.

Brunner, R.B. "Numbers, Please! The Telephone Directory and Probability" Mathematics Teacher 90 (December 1997): 704-705.

Cai, J. "Developing Algebraic Reasoning in the Elementary Grades" Teaching Children Mathematics 4 (December 1998): 225-229.

Chappell, Michaele F., and Marilyn E. Strutchens. "Creating Connections: Promoting Algebraic Thinking with Concrete Models." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (September 2001): 20-25.

Chia, D.T. "Weather Mathematics: Integrating Science and Mathematics" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (September 1998): 19-22.

Davidenko, S. "Building the Concept of Function from Students' Everyday Activities" Mathematics Teacher 90 (February 1997): 144-149.

Davis, S., and D.R. Thomson. "To Encourage "Algebra for All", Start an Algebra Network" Mathematics Teacher 91 (April 1998): 282-286.

Dion, G.S. and I.B. Fetta. "Everybody Talks About It! -- Weather Investigations" Mathematics Teacher 89 (February 1996): 160-165.

Driscoll, Mark, and John Moyer. "Using Students' Work as a Lens on Algebraic Thinking." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (January 2001): 282-287.

Edwards, Thomas G. "Some "Big Ideas" of Algebra in the Middle Grades." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (September 2000): 26-31.

Falkner, Karen P., Lenda Levi, and Thomas Carpenter. "Children's Understanding of Equality: A Foundation for Algebra." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (December 1999): 232-236.

Fernandez, Maria L., and Cynthia O. Anhalt. "Transition Toward Algebra." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (December 2001): 236-241.

Fouche, K.K. "Algebra for Everyone: Start Early" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 2 (February 1997): 226-229.

Gannon, G. and M. Martelli. "Cutting a Chain — a Problem Made to be Generalized" Mathematics Teacher 89 (April 1996): 292-293.

Greenes, C. and C. Findell. "Developing Students' Algebraic Reasoning Abilities" Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12. 1999 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by Lee V. Stiff and Frances R. Curcio, pp. 127-137. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999.

Hiatt, A.A. "Discovering Mathematics." Mathematics Teacher 80 (September 1987): 476-478.

Higginson, William, and Lynda Colgan. "Algebraic Thinking through Origami." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (February 2001): 343-349.

Jones, G.A., C.A. Thornton, C.W. Langroll and Tarr. "Understanding Students' Probabilistic Reasoning" Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12. 1999 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by Lee V. Stiff and Frances R. Curcio, pp. 146-155. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999.

Johnson, J.M. "Sharing Teaching Ideas" Mathematics Teacher 90 (January 1997): 20-22.

Kennedy, J. and E. McDowell. "Geoboard Quadrilaterals" Mathematics Teacher 91 (April 1998): 288-290.

Kieran, C. "Helping to Make the Transition to Algebra." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (March 1991): 49-51.

Kieren, T.E., and A.T. Olson."Imagination, Intuition, and Computing in School Algebra." Mathematics Teacher 82 (January 1989): 14—17.

Kinzel, M.T. "Understanding Algebraic Notation from the Students' Perspective" Mathematics Teacher 92 (May 1999): 436-442.

Koirala, Hari P. and Phillip M. Goodwin. "Teaching Algebra in the Middle Grades Using Mathmagic." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5 (May 2000): 562-566.

Lambdin Diana, R. Kathleen Lynch, and Heidi McDaniel. "Spotlight on the Standards: Algebra in the Middle Grades." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (November 2000): 195-198.

Lara-Alecio, R., B.J. Irby and L. Morales-Aldana. "A Mathematics Lesson from the Mayan Civilization" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (November 1998): 154-158.

Loewen, A. C. "Lima Beans, Paper Cups, and Algebra." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (April 1991): 34-37.

MacGregor, Mollie, and Kaye Stacey. "A flying Start to Algebra." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (October 1999): 787-85.

Naylor, M. "Nonperiodic Tilings: The Irrational Numbers of the Tiling World" Mathematics Teacher 92 (January 1999): 34-40.

Nibblelink, W. H. "Teaching Equations." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (November 1990): 48-51.

Nickerson, Susan, Cherie Nydam, and Janet Bowers. "Linking Algebraic Concepts and Contexts: Every Picture Tells a Story." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (October 2000): 92-98.

O'Daffer, P.G. "Write an Equation." Arithmetic Teacher 32 (May 1985): 14-15.

Perlstein, R. "Sharing Teaching Ideas" Mathematics Teacher 89 (January 1996): 28-29.

Philipp, R.A. and B.P. Schappelle. "Algebra as Generalized Arithmetic: Starting with the Known for a Change" Mathematics Teacher 92 (April 1999): 310-315.

Ploger, D., L. Klinger, and M. Rooney. "Spreadsheets, Patterns, and Algebraic Thinking" Teaching Children Mathematics 3 (February 1997): 330-334.

Quinn, A.L. and K.R. Larson. "When Does a Dog Become Older Than Its Owner?" Mathematics Teacher 89 (December 1996): 734-737.

Ruopp, F., A. Cuoco, S.M. Rasala, and M.G. Kelemanik. "Algebraic Thinking: A Theme for Professional Development" Mathematics Teacher 90 (February 1997): 150-154.

Sarama, J. and D.H. Clements. "Using Computers for Algebraic Thinking" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (November 1998): 186-190.

Scavo, T.R. and B. Petraroja. "Adventures in Statistics" Teaching Children Mathematics 4 (March 1998): 394-400.

Schultz, J. E. "Implementing the Standards: Teaching Informal Algebra." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (May 1991): 34-37.

Schoenfeld, A., and A. Arcavi. "On the Meaning of Variable" Mathematics Teacher 81 (September 1988): 420-427.

Smith, L. "Mathematics on the Balance Beam" School Science and Mathematics 85 (October 1985): 494-497.

Stacey, K. and M. MacGregor. "Ideas about Symbolism That Students Bring to Algebra" Mathematics Teacher 90 (February 1997): 110-113.

Taylor, L.M. and J.L. King. "A Popcorn Project for All Students" Mathematics Teacher 90 (March 1997): 184-196.

Thornton Stephen J. "New Approaches to Algebra: Have We Missed the Point? " Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (March 2001): 388-392.

Usiskin, Z. "Why Elementary Algebra Can, Should, and Must Be an Eighth-Grade Course for Average Students." Mathematics Teacher 80 (September 1987): 428—438.

Van Dyke, F. and T.V. Craine. "Equivalent Representations in the Learning of Algebra" Mathematics Teacher 90 (November 1997): 616-619.

Van Reeuwijk, M. and M. Wijers. "Students' Construction of Formulas in Context" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 2 (February 1997): 230-236.

Williams, D.E. "Activities for Algebra." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (February 1986): 42—47.

Woodbury, Sonia. "Teaching toward the Big Ideas of Algebra." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (December 2000): 226-231.

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