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Math Investigation
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The Investigation poses questions to generate interest in various mathematical topics from the text and encourages students to formulate and investigate their own conjectures. One use of the investigations is for term papers in which students report on their conjectures and the patterns they find.

Click on the Read Me file below to open the investigation in a Word file:

Read Me - Palindromic Sums Instructions (Word Format) (24.0K)

The Math Investigator is a data collection software program that may be used to collect data for the investigation. You may type answers onto the Word file or copy and paste in data from the Investigator.

Click here to launch the Palindromic Sums Investigator

Math Investigator 1.3

PALINDROMIC SUMS on the Math Investigator computes the sums of numbers and their reverses.

A number is called a palindromic number if it reads the same both forward and backward. For example, 31413 is a palindromic number. In the example below, a number (96) is added to its reverse (69), then the sum (165) is added to its reverse (561), and so forth. Repeating this process four times yields a palindromic number. Will this process always result in a palindromic number?

+ 69
+ 561
+ 627
+ 3531

Starting Points for Investigations

  1. If you begin with any two-digit number, will the process always result in a palindromic number?
  2. Find one or more two-digit numbers for which this process requires 2 steps, 3 steps, 4 steps, 6 steps, and 24 steps.
  3. One student noticed that for several two-digit numbers that required 3 steps, the sum of the digits of each number was 14. Is there a relationship for two-digit numbers between the number of steps to obtain a palindromic number and the sum of the digits of the original number?
  4. Try some three-digit numbers and look for patterns.
  5. There are only 13 three-digit numbers that do not lead to a palindromic number in 23 or fewer steps. Find the first few of these numbers and look for patterns in the numbers and the sums of their digits. (Note: It is not known by the authors whether any of these 13 three-digit numbers will ever lead to a palindromic number. Thus, you may be doing research on a mathematical problem that has not been solved.)
  6. Over 97% of all four-digit numbers lead to a palindromic number in less than 22 steps. Find the first few of the numbers that do not lead to a palindromic number in less than 22 steps. Look for patterns in these numbers and check the sums of their "inner digits" and "outer digits". Use your patterns to predict other four-digit numbers that will not go to palindromic numbers in less than 22 steps.

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