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Bohan, H.J., and P. B. Shawaker. "Using Manipulatives Effectively: A Drive Down Rounding Road." Arithmetic Teacher 41 (January 1994): 246-248.

Bove, S.P. "Place Value: A Vertical Perspective." Teaching Children Mathematics 1 (May 1995): 542-546.

Cotter, Joan A. "Using Language and Visualization to Teach Place Value." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (October 2000): 108-114.

Gluck, D. "Helping Students Understand Place Value" Arithmetic Teacher 38 (March 1991): 10-13.

Harrison , M., and B. Harrison." Developing Numeration Concepts and Skills." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (February 1986): 18-21, 60.

Hooven, B. "Place Value Wheels" Arithmetic Teacher 39 (May 1992): 50.

Huinker, DeAnn. "Calculators as Learning Tools for Young Children's Explorations of Number." Teaching Children Mathematics 8 (February 2002): 316-321.

Joslyn, R.E. "Using Concrete Models to Teach Large-Number Concepts." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (November 1990): 6-9.

Kamii, C., and L. Joseph. " Teaching Place Value and Double-Column Addition." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (February 1988): 48-52.

Kouba, V.L. , C.A. Brown, T.P. Carpenter, M.M. Lindquist, E.A. Silver, and J.O. Swafford. "Results of the Fourth NAEP Assessment of Mathematics: Number, Operations, and Word Problems." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (April 1988): 14-19.

Lara-Alecio, R., B.J. Irby and L. Morales-Aldana. "A Mathematics Lesson from the Mayan Civilization" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (November 1998): 154-158.

McNeill, Sheila H. "The Mayan Zeros." Mathematics Teacher 94 (October 2001): 590-592.

Payne, J.N. "Research into Practice: Place Value for Tens and Ones." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (February 1988): 64-66.

Rathmell, E.C., and L. P. Leutzinger. "Implementing the Standards: Number Representations and Relationships." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (March 1991): 20-23.

Reys, B.J., R. Barger, M. Bruckheimer, B. Dougherty, J. Hope, L. Lembke, Z. Markovics, A Parnas, S. Reehm, R. Sturdevant, and M. Weber. Developing Number Sense. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades 5-8. Reston , VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1991.

Ross, R., and R. Kurtz. "Making Manipulatives Work: A Strategy for Success." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (January 1993): 254-257.

Ross, S.H. "Parts, Wholes, and Place Value: A Developmental View." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (February 1989): 47-51.

Sowder, J., and B. Schappelle. "Number Sense-Making." Arithmetic Teacher 41 (February 1994): 342-345.

Tepper, Jonathan. "Math at Work: Basing a Career on Base Two." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (October 2000): 116-119.

Trowell, J. "Let Your Fingers Do the Counting." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (October 1988): 50-53.

Wilson, Patricia S. "Zero: A Special Case." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (January 2001): 300-303.

Zaslavsky, Claudia and Bianka Crespo. "The Inka Quipu: Positional Notation on a Knotted Cord." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (November 2000): 164-166; 180-184.

Zaslavsky, Claudia. "Developing Number Sense: What Can Other Cultures Tell Us?" Teaching Children Mathematics 7 (February 2001): 312-319.

Zepp, R.A. "Numbers and Codes in Ancient Peru : The Quipu." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (May 1992): 42-44.

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