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Armstrong, B. E. "Teaching Patterns, Relationships, and Multiplication as Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks." Teaching Children Mathematics 1 (March 1995): 446-450.

Baek, J-M. "Children's Invented Algorithms for Multidigit Multiplication Problems" The Teaching and Learning of Algorithms in School Mathematics. 1998 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by L.J. Morrow and M.J. Kenney, pp. 151-160. Reston , VA ; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1998.

Berg, Rebecca. "Multiplication from Lilavati to the Summa." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (December 2001): 226-231.

Broadbent, F.W. "Lattice Multiplication and Division." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (January 1987): 28-31.

Burton , G. M., A. Mills, C. Lennon, and C. Parkers. Number Sense and Operations. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades K-6. Reston , VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993.

Caliandro, Christine Koller. "Children's Inventions for Multidigit Multiplication and Division." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (February 2000): 420-426.

Carroll, W.M. and D. Porter. "Alternative Algorithms for Whole-Number Operations." The Teaching and Learning of Algorithms in School Mathematics. 1998 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by L.J. Morrow and M.J. Kenney, pp. 106-114. Reston , VA ; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1998.

English, L. "Problem Solving with Combinations." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (October 1992): 72-77.

Graeber, A. O. "Misconceptions About Multiplication and Division." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (March 1993): 408-411.

Hendrickson, A.D. "Verbal Multiplication and Division Problems: Some Difficulties and Some Solutions." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (April 1986): 26-33.

Hope, J. "Promoting Number Sense in School." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (February 1989): 12-16.

Howden, H. "Teaching Number Sense." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (February 1989): 6-11.

Katterns, B., and K. Carr. "Talking with Young Children about Multiplication." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (April 1986): 18-21.

Quintero, A.H. "Children's Conceptual Understanding of Situations Involving Multiplication." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (January 1986): 34-37.

Reys, B.J. "Mental Computation." Arithmetic Teacher 32 (February 1985): 43-46.

Reys, R.E. "Estimation." Arithmetic Teacher 32 (February1985): 37-41.

Shifter, D. "Reasoning about Operations: Early Algebraic Thinking in Grades K-6." Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12. 1999 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by Lee V. Stiff and Frances R. Curcio, pp. 62-81. Reston , VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999.

Sowder, J.T. "Mental Computation and Number Sense." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (March 1990): 18-20.

Whitin, D.J. "Number Sense and the Importance of Asking 'Why?" Arithmetic Teacher 36 (February 1989): 26-29.

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