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Alterman, A. E. "The Number 2 Challenge." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (November 1992): 180-183.

Bitner, J., and M. E. Partridge. "`Stocking Up' on Mathematics Skills." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (March 1991): 4-7.

Brinker, L. "Using Recipes and Ratio Tables to Build on Students' Understanding of Fractions" Teaching Children Mathematics 4 (December 1998): 218-224.

Collyer, S. "Adding Fractions" Mathematics Teaching 116 (September 1986): 9.

Cramer, K., and N. Bezuk. "Multiplication of Fractions: Teaching for Understanding." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (November 1991): 34-37.

Dirkes, M.A. "Draw to Understand." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (December 1991): 26-29.

Dorgan, D. "What Textbooks Offer for Instruction in Fraction Concepts." Teaching Children Mathematics 1 (November 1994): 150-155.

Edge, D. "Fractions and Panes." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (April 1987): 13—17.

Hanselman , C.A. "Stop Using Foul Language in the Mathematics Classroom" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 3 (October 1997): 160.

Huinker, D. "Letting Fraction Algorithms Emerge Through Problem Solving" The Teaching and Learning of Algorithms in School Mathematics. 1998 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by L.J. Morrow and M.J. Kenney, pp. 170-182. Reston , VA ; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1998.

Johnson, Art. "The Thinking of Students: Krystal's Method." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5(November 1999): 148-150.

Kalman, D. "Up Fractions! Up n/m!" Arithmetic Teacher 32 (April 1985): 42-43.

Kamii, C., and M.A. Washington "Teaching Fractions: Fostering Children's Own Reasoning." Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12. 1999 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by Lee V. Stiff and Frances R. Curcio, pp. 82-92. Reston , VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999.

Kroll, D.L., and T. Yabe. "A Japanese Educator's Perspective on Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (October 1987): 36—43.

Lester, F. "Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers to Teach Rational Numbers" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (February 1984): 54-56.

Mack, N.K. "Building a Foundation for Understanding the Multiplication of Fractions" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (September 1998): 34-38.

Malcolm, P.S. "Understanding Rational Numbers" Mathematics Teacher 80 (October 1987): 518-521.

Ott, J. M., D.L. Snook, and D. L. Gibson. "Understanding Partitive Division of Fractions." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (October 1991): 7-11.

Ott, J.M. "A Unified Approach to Multiplying Fractions," Arithmetic Teacher 37 (March 1990): 47-49.

Payne, J.N., and A.E. Towsley. "Implications of NCTM's Standards for Teaching Fractions and Decimals." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (April 1990): 23-26

Payne, J. "Curricular Issues: Teaching Rational Numbers" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (February 1984): 14-17.

Prevost, F. "Teaching Rational Numbers — Junior High School" Arithmetic Teacher 31 (February 1984): 43-46.

Reys, B. "Promoting Number Sense in the Middle Grades" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 1 (September-October, 1994): 114-120.

Schultz, J. E. "Area Models -- Spanning the Mathematics of Grades 3-9." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (October 1991): 42-46.

Sharp, J. "A Constructed Algorithm for Division of Fractions" The Teaching and Learning of Algorithms in School Mathematics. 1998 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, edited by L.J. Morrow and M.J. Kenney, pp. 198-203. Reston , VA ; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1998.

Steiner, E.E. "Division of Fractions: Developing Conceptual Sense with Dollars and Cents." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (May 1987): 36—42.

Sweetland, R. "Understanding Multiplication of Fractions" Arithmetic Teacher 32 (September 1984): 48-52.

Warrington , M.A., and C. Kamii. "Multiplication with Fractions: A Piagetian, Constructivist Approach" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 3 (February 1998): 339-343.

Warrington , M.A. "How Children Think About Division with Fractions" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 2 (May 1997): 390-394.

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