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Bledsoe, G. "Guessing Geometric Shapes" Mathematics Teacher 80 (March 1987): 178-180.

Bright, G.W., and J.G. Harvey. "Learning and Fun with Geometry Games."Arithmetic Teacher 35 (April 1988): 22—26.

Britton, J., and W. Britton. Teaching Tessellating Art. Palo Alto , CA : Dale Seymour Publications, 1992.

Clauss, J. E. "Pentagonal Tessellations." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (January 1991): 52-56.

Del Grande, J. and L. Morrow. Geometry and Spatial Sense. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades K-6. Reston , VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993.

Drost, J.P. "The Vortex Tessellation" Mathematics Teacher 92 (April 1999): 286-290.

Edwards, N.T., G. Bitter, and M.M. Hatfield. " Measurement in Geometry with Computers." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (February 1990): 64-67.

Geddes, D., J. Dove, I. Fortunato, D.J. Fuys, J. Morgenstern, and R. Welch-Tischler. Geometry in the Middle Grades. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades 5-8. Reston , VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1992.

Giganti, P. Jr., and M.J. Cittadino. "The Art of Tessellation." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (March 1990):6-16.

Harrell , M.E. and L.S. Fosnaugh. "Allium to Zircon: Mathematics and Nature" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 2 (May 1997): 380-389.

Johnson, J.M. "Sharing Teaching Ideas" Mathematics Teacher 90 (January 1997): 20-22.

Nevin, M. L. "Ideas." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (January 1992): 16-33.

Onslow, B. "Pentominoes Revisited." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (May 1990): 5-9.

Sawada, D. "Symmetry and Tessellations from Rotational Transformations on Transparencies." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (December 1986): 12-13.

Schattschneider, D. Visions of Symmetry: Notebooks, Periodic Drawings, and Related Work of M. C. Escher. New York , NY : W. H. Freeman and Company, 1990.

Serra, Michael. Patty Paper Geometry. Berkeley , CA : Key Curriculum Press, 1994.

Seymour, D. and J. Britton. Introduction to Tessellations. Palo Alto , CA : Dale Seymour Publications, 1989.

Taylor, L. "Exploring Geometry with the Geometer's Sketchpad" Arithmetic Teacher 40 (November 1992): 187-191.

Taylor, L. "Exploring Geometry with the Geometer's Sketchpad." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (November 1992): 187-193.

Wheatley, G. H. "Spatial Sense and the Construction of Abstract Units in Tiling." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (April 1992): 43-45.

Willcutt, B. "Triangular Tiles for Your Patio" Arithmetic Teacher 34 (May 1987): 43-45.

Woods, J. "Let the Computer Draw the Tessellations That You Design" Mathematics Teacher 81 (February 1988): 138-141.

Zurstadt, B. "Tessellations and the Art of M. C. Escher." Arithmetic Teacher 31 (January 1984):54-55.

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