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Bledsoe, G. "Guessing Geometric Shapes" Mathematics Teacher 80 (March 1987): 178-180.

Bright, G.W., and J.G. Harvey. "Learning and Fun with Geometry Games." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (April 1988): 22-26.

Campbell, P.F. "Cardboard, Rubber Bands and Polyhedron Models." Arithmetic Teacher 31 (October1983): 48-52.

Carroll, W. "Cross Sections of Clay Solids" Arithmetic Teacher 35 (March 1988): 6-11.

Clements, D.H. and M. Battista. "Geometry and Geometric Measurement." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (February 1986): 29-32.

Del Grande, G. "Spatial Sense." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (February 1990): 14-20.

Del Grande, J. and L. Morrow. Geometry and Spatial Sense. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades K-6. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993.

DeTemple, D., and A. Miedema "Patterns and Puzzles for Pyramids and Prisms" Mathematics Teacher 90 (May 1997): 370-374.

Geddes, D., J. Dove, I. Fortunato, D.J.Fuys, J. Morgenstern, and R. Welch-Tischler. Geometry in the Middle Grades. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades 5-8. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1992.

Harrell, M.E. and L.S. Fosnaugh. "Allium to Zircon: Mathematics and Nature" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 2 (May 1997): 380-389.

Izard, J. "Developing Spatial Skills with Three-Dimensional Puzzles." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (February 1990): 44-47.

Juraschek, W. "Get in Touch with Shape." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (April 1990): 14-16.

Kaiser, B. "Explorations with Tessellating Polygons." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (December 1988): 19-24.

Kim, H. "Angled Sunshine, Seasons, and Solar Energy" Mathematics Teacher 90 (October 1997): 528-532.

Lappan, G., and E. Phillips. "Spatial Visualization" Mathematics Teacher 79 (November 1984): 618-623.

Liedtke, W.W. "Developing Spatial Abilities in the Early Grades." Teaching Children Mathematics 2 (September 1995): 12-18.

McClintock, R.M. "The Pyramid Question: A Problem-Solving Adventure" Mathematics Teacher 90 (April 1997): 262-268.

Naylor, M. "The Amazing Octacube" Mathematics Teacher 92 (February 1999): 102-104.

Peterson, Blake. "From Tessellations to Polyhedra: Big Polyhedra." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5 (February 2000): 348-357.

Shaw, J. M. "See It, Change It, Reason It Out." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (April 1993): 434-436.

Woodward, E., and R. Brown. "Polydrons and Three-Dimensional Geometry." Arithmetic Teacher 41 (April 1994): 451-458.

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