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15.1 Community, Habitat, and Niche

  1. List 10 items that are a part of your niche.


  1. What is the difference between habitat and niche?


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15.2 Kinds of Organism Interactions

  1. What do parasites, commensal organisms, and mutualistic organisms have in common? How are they different?


  1. Describe two situations in which competition may involve combat and two that do not involve combat.

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15.3 The Cycling of Materials in Ecosystems

  1. Trace the flow of carbon atoms through a community that contains plants, herbivores, decomposers, and parasites.


  1. Describe four different roles played by bacteria in the nitrogen cycle.


  1. Describe the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle.


  1. List three ways the carbon and nitrogen cycles are similar and three ways they differ.


  1. Describe the major processes that make phosphorus available to plants.


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15.4 The Impact of Human Actions on Communities

  1. Why do DDT and PCBs increase in concentration in the bodies of organisms at higher trophic levels ?


  1. How have past practices of predator control and habitat destruction negatively altered biological communities?


  1. List 3 introduced species that have become pests and explain why they became pests.

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