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Goals and Objectives
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Understand that organisms interact in a variety of ways within a community.
  • Describe differences among predation, mutualism, competition, parasitism, and commensalism.
  • Explain the difference between niche and habitat.
  • Describe an organism's niche, habitat, and community.
Understand that materials are cycled through organisms and the abiotic parts of ecosystems.
  • Describe the flow of atoms through the carbon, nitrogen, phophorus, and hydrologic cycles.
  • Explain why animals must eat.
  • Describe the importance of bacteria in nutrient cycles.
  • Explain why carbon and nitrogen must be recycled in ecosystems.
Appreciate that humans alter and interfere with natural ecological processes.
  • Describe the impact of introduced species, predator control, and habitat destruction on natural communities.
  • Explain why persistent organic chemicals reach higher levels in carnivores than in herbivores.
  • Relate extinctions to human activities.

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