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Simon Winchester. (1998). The professor and the madman. New York: Harper Collins.
Is writing a dictionary sexy? Mel Gibson is working on bringing the story of the Oxford English Dictionary to the screen. He is set to play the original editor of the dictionary, Dr. James Murray[Thorpe, 1998 #9]. Should it be filmed, it's a good story. One of the biggest contributors to the dictionary was a homicidal lunatic doctor who wrote all his contributions from his room in an insane asylum.[C-SPAN, 1998 #147] You can read the complete story in The professor and the madman.

Stephen King. (2000). On writing: A memoir of the craft. New York: Scribner.
The master of horror provides a brief memoir of childhood and his battle with drugs and alcohol along with a discussion of good writing technique.

Brian Lamb. (1997). Booknotes. New York: Times Books.
An anthology of interviews from the C-SPAN book interview program of the same name.

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