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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Influence refers to
A)the process of persuasion.
B)the power of a person or thing to affect others.
C)the combined impact of the message plus feedback.
D)the presence of physical force in the persuasion process.

Motivation refers to the
A)way the sender tries to influence your attitudes.
B)method of persuasion most often used when the status of the sender and receiver is unequal.
C)stimulation or inducement that causes someone to act.
D)effect of influence when it is ethically-based.

Which statement about instrumental values is correct?
A)They are synonymous with ultimate or enduring values.
B)They are not likely to be changed by one persuasive speech.
C)Tying an appeal into these values can determine its success.
D)They guide people's day-to-day behavior.

When comparing beliefs and values, which statement is FALSE?
A)Beliefs are easier to change than values.
B)We seldom develop beliefs in isolation from others.
C)Our beliefs determine our values.
D)Beliefs are often based on our observations.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why persuasion is difficult?
A)Persuasion occurs slowly, over time, not after only one message.
B)Listeners might question the speaker's credibility and thus refuse to consider the message.
C)Attitudes and beliefs may be deeply entrenched and thus difficult to change.
D)People are lazy; it is easier not to change but to continue following familiar ways.

What is Hybels' advice concerning the choice of strategies?
A)A strategy that requires minimal change from the audience is best.
B)A strategy that works on attitudes rather than behavior is best.
C)A strategy that takes into account listeners' prior attitudes is best.
D)No one strategy is best; the best approach is to use as many as possible.

Which statement of purpose is best suited for a speech intended to motivate people to action?
A)to inform people of the benefits of supporting prison reform
B)to persuade drug addicts to refrain from using drugs
C)to inform listeners of the reasons to support their local opera association
D)to persuade the audience to sign a petition for an increase in the minimum wage

Which type of response is targeted for a speech with this statement of purpose: to persuade people to continue contributing to the Red Cross?
A)to continue not doing something
B)to take action
C)to continue what they are already doing
D)to reinforce a belief

The reason a target audience is selected within the larger audience is that
A)you are better able to predict its response to your persuasive effort.
B)you are more likely to persuade this subgroup.
C)the larger audience is more heterogeneous and not uniformly interested in your topic.
D)all of the above reasons are correct.

The form of logic that moves from the general to the specific is termed
A)deductive reasoning.
B)inductive reasoning.
C)reasoning by analogy.
D)causal reasoning.

"The physicians I know all live in big houses and drive expensive cars. If you want to get rich, become a physician" is an example of
A)deductive reasoning.
B)inductive reasoning.
C)reasoning by analogy.
D)causal reasoning.

The statement "a number of highway fatalities have occurred because of poorly designed and manufactured tires" is an example of
A)deductive reasoning.
B)inductive reasoning.
C)reasoning by analogy.
D)causal reasoning.

When a speaker concludes that something is true in one case, so it must also be true in another case he/she is using
A)deductive reasoning.
B)inductive reasoning.
C)reasoning by analogy.
D)causal reasoning.

Which description of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is accurate?
A)It demonstrates various ways to balance appeals to reason and appeals to emotion.
B)Its base includes physical needs and its apex includes more sophisticated needs.
C)It shows different levels of rewards that an audience would respond to.
D)It lists a series of steps towards self-actualization.

Which statement about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is FALSE?
A)Commercials often appeal to belongingness and love needs.
B)Self-actualization needs appeal mostly to older people.
C)Physiological needs appeal most strongly to adolescents.
D)Safety needs appeal most strongly to young families.

Which statement concerning the question of presenting one or both sides of an argument is FALSE?
A)A two-sided approach is more effective if listeners are less educated.
B)A one-sided approach is appropriate if most listeners agree with the speaker's ideas.
C)The two-sided approach increases the speaker's credibility.
D)The two-sided approach is better when the topic is controversial.

Which of these organizational strategies is least appropriate for a persuasive speech?
A)the problem-solution order
B)the motivated sequence
C)the problem of policy
D)the comparative-advantage order

Expertise is one way for the speaker to increase his/her credibility. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to establish expertise?
A)through personal experience
B)by doing research and quoting someone with expertise
C)by displaying dynamism
D)by possessing special ability or knowledge

Dynamism is an effective way to establish credibility. Which statement best describes how dynamism is displayed?
A)It is cumulative and is based on prior speeches that the speaker has presented.
B)It is conveyed through enthusiasm and energy.
C)It is based on how the student relates to the rest of the class.
D)It is displayed through all of the above.

A speaker who appears trustworthy also appears more credible. Which statement best describes how trustworthiness is established?
A)by the student's previous behavior in class: being reliable, involved in class, doing careful work
B)by doing thorough research and quoting experts
C)by presenting data ethically
D)by honestly presenting his/her personal experiences

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