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Multiple Choice
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Teachers who are ______________ tend to favor the traditional formal seating pattern of rows of students directly facing the teacher at the front of the classroom.
D)none of the above

A majority of classroom tasks initiated by teachers in traditional classrooms are what might be called ______________.
A)low-level cognitive processes
B)affective processes
C)high-order cognitive processes
D)a & b

Which of the following is/are true of concept learning?
A)Concept learning involves multidimensional understanding.
B)Concept learning involves helping students learn the material in a number of different ways.
C)a & b
D)none of the above

Which of the following is/are often true of whole-group instruction?
A)permits students to progress at their own pace
B)convenient for teaching the same skills or content to the entire class
C)gives the teacher a chance to introduce new skills at a level suited to particular students
D)all of the above

Which of the following cooperative learning approaches has students working in small groups, with each group (and group member) becoming an "expert" in one area and students teaching and learning from one another?
A)Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT)
B)Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD)
D)Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)

Which of the following considerations is not considered by Robert Slavin for effective instruction?
A)appropriate level of instruction
B)time needed for completing tasks
C)similar resource materials for all students
D)quality of the instruction provided

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