Characterize the information-processing approach to cognitive development.
Describe the developmental changes in the processes of encoding, representation, strategy construction, automatization, and generalization. Include the influence of changes in executive control strategies and world knowledge on children's cognition.
Describe Case's neo-Piagetian theory of cognitive development.
Describe differences between Piaget's theory and information-processing theory.
Discuss the two theories that explain the way in which experience affects attention.
Describe the development of the process of attention, including control, adaptability, and planfulness.
Define problem solving and discuss developmental trends in solving problems by the use of analogies, scripts, and deductive reasoning.
Discuss the five basic principles related to numerical reasoning, and important features of counting. Use recent research to discuss the role of culture in the use of mathematics.
Define metacognition and discuss the various components of metacognitive knowledge. Explain the applications of metacognition to academic settings.
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