Understand the concept of intelligence and different theories of intelligence.
Identify what is being measured by intelligence tests, and be familiar with different definitions of intelligence.
Discuss aspects of intelligence test construction, including norm-referenced assessments, standardization, test validity, and test reliability.
Describe the goals and general characteristics of the Binet-Simon and Wechsler tests of intelligence.
Discuss alternative approaches to intelligence, including information-processing and factor analytic approaches.
Discuss the stability of intelligence test scores over time and the factors that contribute to stability.
Describe the research findings concerning factors that correlate with intellectual performance (e.g., heredity, community, family, social class, race).
Discuss the three types of explanations that have been suggested to explain ethnic and social-class differences in intellectual performance, and give research evidence for each.
Describe the effects of emotion, motivation, and academic context on achievement.
Present evidence concerning the effectiveness of intervention strategies designed to facilitate cognitive development.
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