Define developmental psychopathology and discuss the four basic principles that can be applied to it.
Explain the differences between the medical model and the problems-in-living model of developmental psychopathology.
Explain three different meanings of abnormal behavior, and discuss the problems associated with each.
Discuss the issues related to the referral of children for psychological services, such as characteristics of the child, the referring adult, and the environment.
Describe the relationship between the length of time a behavior lasts and its classification as abnormal. Discuss the roles of cumulative and interactional continuity in maintaining problem behaviors.
Discuss similarities and differences between the diagnostic approach and the empirical method of classification systems.
Describe undercontrolled and overcontrolled behavior disorders, and discuss the examples of each class of disorder that is described in the text.
Outline the disturbances that are considered pervasive developmental disorders and discuss their treatments, including infantile autism.
Discuss the issues related to substance abuse and its treatment.
Identify the five approaches to the treatment of developmental psychopathologies and discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of each treatment strategy.
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