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A teacher who begins the school year by involving students in establishing classroom rules is attempting to establish
A)a democratic classroom.
B)firm control of the class from the beginning.
C)herself/himself as a valuable leader.
D)student trust.
The skills needed to become good citizens include all of the following EXCEPT
A)communication skills.
B)decision-making skills.
C)personal interaction skills.
D)writing skills.
Among the dispositions that allow individuals to participate competently and responsibly in the political system are all of the following EXCEPT
A)civic-mindedness and open-mindedness.
B)compassion, civility, and generosity.
C)political awareness and community spirit.
D)toleration of diversity, compromise, and persistence.
Critical thinking is an essential skill for citizens who must
A)carefully judge the effectiveness of a advertising campaign.
B)endure many hours of political advertising.
C)evaluate a candidate's qualifications.
D)understand the methods behind political advertising.
Studying propaganda techniques can help students develop
A)an awareness of the emotional appeals used by advertisers.
B)critical thinking skills.
C)a sensitivity to what is factual and what is opinion or fiction.
D)All of the above.
Card stacking, name-calling, and testimonials are examples of
A)civic dispositions.
B)critical thinking skills.
C)problem solving techniques.
D)propaganda approaches.
Technologically based concerns that involve civics-related issues include all of the following EXCEPT
A)intense media focus on the lives and actions of the major candidates.
B)questions about the accuracy of electronically tallied ballots.
C)too quickly reported results of exit polls.
D)reports of the major speeches made by the candidates.
One major area of study that is included in both the K-4 and the 5-8 standards is
A)the erosion of democratic ideals and principles during the late 20th century.
B)the global leadership role of the United States.
C)the relationship of the United States to other nations.
D)the role of the global economy on United States politics.
Character education is mostly concerned with regulating or improving
A student who is expressing empathy for the character in a book is demonstrating his
B)citizenship skills.
C)emotional intelligence.
D)moral principles.
The brain research that supports the determination that humans can increase their emotional intelligence was conducted and reported by
A)Ella Burnett
B)Johan Herbart.
C)Daniel Goleman.
D)Horace Mann.
Human rights education
A)encourages the development of responsible citizens.
B)is mandated by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted in 1989.
C)is part of character education.
D)All of the above.

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