1 |  |  Herbert Spencer defined _______ as "the equilibrium of a perfect society." |
|  | A) | social dynamics |
|  | B) | social structures |
|  | C) | social statics |
|  | D) | social functions |
2 |  |  What did Spencer call the forces by which society advances towards perfection? |
|  | A) | social dynamics |
|  | B) | social statics |
|  | C) | social objectivity |
|  | D) | sociology |
3 |  |  According to Spencer's evolutionary theory, the movement from homogeneity to heterogeneity involves: |
|  | A) | increasing differentiation. |
|  | B) | decreasing integration. |
|  | C) | decreasing differentiation. |
|  | D) | increasing anomie. |
4 |  |  Which of the following does NOT characterize Spencer's evolutionary theory? |
|  | A) | Progressive change involves increasing integration. |
|  | B) | Progressive change involves increasing differentiation. |
|  | C) | Progressive change involves increasing indefiniteness. |
|  | D) | Progressive change involves increasing heterogeneity. |
5 |  |  Spencer tried to legitimize the field of sociology by: |
|  | A) | urging laypeople to become trained in the science of sociology. |
|  | B) | urging sociologists to familiarize themselves with other disciplines. |
|  | C) | creating the first department of sociology in England. |
|  | D) | teaching his students how to think with a sociological imagination. |
6 |  |  What specifically did Spencer think the field of psychology could contribute to sociology? |
|  | A) | He thought it could help explain how intelligence is linked to social action. |
|  | B) | He thought it could help explain how psychological characteristics are static over time and across different societies. |
|  | C) | He thought it could help explain how emotional sentiments are linked to social action. |
|  | D) | He thought it could help explain how the motives of individuals fail to contribute to social action. |
7 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a linkage that Spencer found between biology and sociology? |
|  | A) | that the actions of individuals conform to basic laws of life |
|  | B) | that society as a whole functions like an organism |
|  | C) | that natural progression characterizes the evolution of the social world |
|  | D) | that the natural world should be dominated by the technical superiority of human beings |
8 |  |  Spencer argued that sociology faced several difficulties in terms of methodology. Which of the following is NOT one of these difficulties? |
|  | A) | Social phenomena could not be studied using the same methods as those used to study natural phenomena. |
|  | B) | Sociologists could not utilize introspection as a method. |
|  | C) | Social facts could not be studied using a comparative-historical method. |
|  | D) | Sociological data could be distorted by researcher bias. |
9 |  |  Spencer cautions sociologists to be aware of several types of biases that may influence their work. Which of the following is NOT a bias that Spencer addressed? |
|  | A) | class bias |
|  | B) | gender bias |
|  | C) | theological bias |
|  | D) | educational bias |
10 |  |  Which of the following methods did Spencer most commonly use in his sociological studies? |
|  | A) | historical-comparative |
|  | B) | survey |
|  | C) | participant observation |
|  | D) | ethnography |
11 |  |  Which of the following best characterizes Spencer's view on social evolution? |
|  | A) | Social evolution is linear, moving in a single direction towards harmony. |
|  | B) | Social evolution is in a constant state of development. |
|  | C) | Social evolution must pass through a series of progressive stages. |
|  | D) | Social evolution may regress at any given moment. |
12 |  |  Spencer was a _______ , which means that he believed society was a distinct entity. |
|  | A) | nominalist |
|  | B) | realist |
|  | C) | liberal |
|  | D) | socialist |
13 |  |  Spencer stated that the general formula of social evolution included progress towards greater coherence, definiteness, multiformity, and: |
|  | A) | homogeneity. |
|  | B) | regulation. |
|  | C) | size. |
|  | D) | nominalism. |
14 |  |  In the early stage of the differentiation between regulative and sustaining structures, _______ are more likely than _______ to perform economic activities. |
|  | A) | men; women |
|  | B) | slaves; kings |
|  | C) | women; men |
|  | D) | knights; merchants |
15 |  |  In social systems, _________ matters are handled by the _______ structure. |
|  | A) | internal; sustaining |
|  | B) | external; sustaining |
|  | C) | internal; regulative |
|  | D) | external; regulative |
16 |  |  Spencer argued that militant societies were dominated by: |
|  | A) | sustaining structures. |
|  | B) | regulative structures. |
|  | C) | economic structures. |
|  | D) | the pursuit of private interests. |
17 |  |  Sustaining structures dominate ______________ societies. |
|  | A) | militant |
|  | B) | simple |
|  | C) | compound |
|  | D) | industrial |
18 |  |  According to Spencer, morality is derived from: |
|  | A) | individual action. |
|  | B) | social structures. |
|  | C) | primitive societies. |
|  | D) | totemism. |
19 |  |  With which of the following statements would Spencer most likely agree? |
|  | A) | Evil is a necessary component of a perfectly evolved society. |
|  | B) | People are endowed with an instinct of personal rights. |
|  | C) | Macro-level structures determine micro-level interactions. |
|  | D) | A strong, centralized government is necessary for personal security in industrial societies. |
20 |  |  What role did Spencer think the state should play in industrial societies? |
|  | A) | to provide charity to the needy |
|  | B) | to provide sanitation services |
|  | C) | to provide public education |
|  | D) | to provide protection for individual liberty |
21 |  |  Comte was more concerned than Spencer with studying objective things. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
22 |  |  Spencer is often criticized because he was a prolific writer who failed to read and engage the ideas of other social thinkers. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
23 |  |  Spencer argued that societal evolution involved a movement from decreasing heterogeneity to increasing homogeneity. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
24 |  |  Spencer recognized that dissolution complements the evolutionary process and periodically leads to its undoing. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
25 |  |  According to Spencer, sociologists need to study other sciences (e.g., biology and psychology) in order to legitimize the field. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
26 |  |  Spencer believed that one of psychology's greatest contributions was the idea that intelligence is linked to social action. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
27 |  |  Regulative structures are associated with economic activities and the pursuit of private ends. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
28 |  |  Militant societies are dominated by their regulative systems. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
29 |  |  Spencer believed that evil was necessary and had a legitimate function in a perfectly evolved moral society. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |
30 |  |  Spencer promoted a strong welfare state to help those socially unequipped to participate in the struggle of the survival-of-the-fittest. |
|  | A) | true |
|  | B) | false |