1 |  |  A 45-year-old woman decides to get a silicone breast implant to please her young boyfriend, just as she pleased him by changing her wardrobe. Robert Peck would view this behavior as a form of |
|  | A) | generativity |
|  | B) | stagnation |
|  | C) | mental rigidity |
|  | D) | valuing physical powers |
2 |  |  John acts extroverted when he is with his friends but very sedate and conservative at work. This observation is the most consistent with which of the following models of personality? |
|  | A) | Mischel's situational model |
|  | B) | the dynamic model |
|  | C) | the trait model |
|  | D) | the interactionist model |
3 |  |  Extroverted adults tend to be drawn toward social situations in which they can meet new people, socialize, and enjoy themselves; whereas they avoid situations where people act aloof, clannish, and antisocial. This observation would be consistent with the ________ model of adult personality. |
|  | A) | dynamic |
|  | B) | interactionist |
|  | C) | situational |
|  | D) | trait |
4 |  |  Based on your text's description, an analogy for maturity is: maturity is like ________ |
|  | A) | searching for the horizon - it is evident it is there, but it always stays in front of you and you can never reach it |
|  | B) | finding a rainbow; it is a phenomenon that is spectacular, then it disappears |
|  | C) | working as an architect, where one is striving to complete big projects on time to everyone's satisfaction |
|  | D) | completing semesters at college successfully; the satisfaction is in the growth and skills learned along the way, and then you go on to new life challenges |
5 |  |  Which of the following scenarios is the most likely to occur? |
|  | A) | Shirley and Terrence are a married couple in which Terrence is happiest when he does the lion's share of the housework. |
|  | B) | Sam and Diane are a working, married couple who measure their financial success in terms of Sam's income. |
|  | C) | Anthony and Erica are newlyweds whose primary conflict involves Anthony's contention that Erica spends too much time with her friends. |
|  | D) | Naomi and Rupert have been married for twenty years, and they argue frequently about Rupert's demands to spend more time with his buddies. |
6 |  |  Mr. Brown admits to his wife that he's been having an affair with a woman at his office. Mrs. Brown, extremely distraught and hurt by his confession, retorts, "Well, you don't love me, then." According to your text, most men enter into an extramarital affair because they |
|  | A) | no longer love their wives |
|  | B) | crave a satisfying sexual relationship |
|  | C) | crave emotional excitement and proof they are not getting old, but they usually love their wives |
|  | D) | want the affair to blossom into a full-fledged love affair so they will no longer love their wives |
7 |  |  Jacque and Jill were married for 25 years, but at that time found that their lives were unfulfilling and no longer satisfying. Although they were still fond of each other, they were no longer "in love." They sought an amicable divorce, but months later both found that they were almost always sad and depressed. The best explanation that can be offered concerning the situation of Jacque and Jill is |
|  | A) | they had grown "used to" and dependent upon one another |
|  | B) | divorce exacts a greater emotional and physical toll than almost any other life stress |
|  | C) | they were unable to find suitable new partners |
|  | D) | their financial resources deteriorated so they could no longer enjoy the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed |
8 |  |  A 45-year-old adult is being treated by a psychiatrist because of clinical signs of depression (e.g., insomnia, agitation, feelings of worthlessness). This adult is most likely to be a |
|  | A) | recently divorced displaced homemaker |
|  | B) | divorced mother who initiated the divorce |
|  | C) | recently divorced working mother with two children in elementary school |
|  | D) | soon-to-be-divorced woman who misses her abusive husband |
9 |  |  Jim is a 45-year-old divorced man. Without knowing anything else about Jim, we are likely to predict that he |
|  | A) | is not likely to remarry |
|  | B) | will remarry an older woman |
|  | C) | will remarry a younger woman |
|  | D) | is less likely to remarry than a divorced woman of the same age group |
10 |  |  Which of the following scenarios is most likely to take place in a stepfamily? |
|  | A) | The stepfather is uncomfortable sitting in the father's favorite chair. |
|  | B) | The wife's son starts behaving in an infantile, regressive manner after the remarriage. |
|  | C) | On announcing her plans to remarry, the wife is confronted by her daughter who asks, "Why didn't you do this sooner?" |
|  | D) | The children do the dishes when their new stepfather asks them to because they know this will make their mother happy. |
11 |  |  You have been told that one of your grandparents is moving from passive to active mastery. Who is it likely to be? |
|  | A) | grandmother |
|  | B) | grandfather |
|  | C) | can't tell |
|  | D) | neither |
12 |  |  Sarah's youngest daughter has just gotten married. Now all her children are gone from the house. We can predict that Sarah, a devoted mother, will |
|  | A) | be depressed as a result of role confusion |
|  | B) | have so much new "free time" that she won't know what to do with it |
|  | C) | become immobilized because of feelings of loneliness |
|  | D) | feel closer to her husband than when they were first married |
13 |  |  Natasha is 68 years old. While she is still ambulatory, she suffers from severe bouts of rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following predictions can we make about Natasha? |
|  | A) | Natasha's daughter sees her mother regularly and helps her with her chores. |
|  | B) | Natasha is likely to reside in a nursing home. |
|  | C) | Natasha is likely to be living with her married son. |
|  | D) | Natasha's son drives fifty miles a day to see his mother, although his own health is failing. |
14 |  |  You and your spouse both work and are middle-aged. Which scenario is most likely? |
|  | A) | you both want private time |
|  | B) | you pool your money |
|  | C) | you don't pool your money |
|  | D) | neither of you want private time |
15 |  |  Which of the following employees is least likely to change careers? |
|  | A) | a nurse who feels that the hospital patients do not appreciate the care she provides for them |
|  | B) | an elementary school teacher who feels instead of teaching children he is expected to be their surrogate parent |
|  | C) | a psychology professor who feels that her students need remedial help and are unprepared to master the material in her courses |
|  | D) | a college administrator who has just helped the college eliminate its deficit and is now being asked to computerize its accounting system |
16 |  |  Jack is a 43-year-old computer engineer who has become disenchanted with his current profession. The enthusiasm has faded, and he lacks a sense of fulfillment. A psychologist would most likely recommend that Jack |
|  | A) | continue with his current job because these types of feelings are normal |
|  | B) | consider switching careers because it is common for middle-aged adults to reassess what they are doing with their lives |
|  | C) | consider getting psychological help because he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown |
|  | D) | retire and channel his energies into caring for his family |
17 |  |  Tonya is a recent college graduate who aspires to a career in the corporate world and is willing to accept an entry-level position to "work her way up." Her female relatives attempt to prepare her for several employment rejections, but Tonya is optimistic because she is aware that |
|  | A) | attitudes toward women in the corporate world have changed dramatically |
|  | B) | since 1980, women have taken 80 percent of the new jobs created in the economy |
|  | C) | she has no immediate plans to marry and/or start a family |
|  | D) | she has the educational preparation |
18 |  |  Harold's wife just told him it's time for him to go out and get a haircut - all he does is sit around the house. She also said, "While you're at it, why don't you apply for some jobs, too." The most reasonable conclusion one might reach is that Harold |
|  | A) | has just received a layoff notice from his employer |
|  | B) | has been unemployed for about a month |
|  | C) | feels emasculated because he has been unemployed for a long time |
|  | D) | will tell his wife, "It's time for you to wear the pants in this family. My turn is up!" |