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Critical Thinking Questions
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1. Throughout the 20th century huge hydroelectric power projects in Egypt, Turkey, China and Canada were both supported and opposed by environmentalists and social scientists. Why?

2. Environmentalists praise countries like France and Japan that are committed to automobile efficiency, but also criticize them for their dependence on nuclear energy. Are these nations following a consistent energy policy? What is this?

3. Figure 5.22 is a photograph of a wind farm. Discuss the criteria needed to make these operations successful.

4. Why do Americans seem unwilling to adopt more renewable energy sources such as wind and geothermal production?

5. Geographically, what are the pros and cons of reducing America's reliance on foreign oil?

6. Reacting to criticism of rainforest destruction, Brazilians claim that most forests in America, Europe and Asia were cleared centuries ago for farming. In fact, the United States remains about one third forested, far more than China, Western or Central Europe. How do you account for this important difference?

7. Environmentalists have been critical not only of some large dams that produce hydroelectric power, but also of nuclear power plants and massive use of fossil fuels. What sources do they suggest might supply the greatly increased demand for energy in industrializing nations in the twenty-first century?

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