1. Using the information at the Energy Information Administration site at http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer, answer the questions below:
a. In the year 2002, what renewable source provided the most energy to the U.S.?
b. How did this amount compare to the amount of energy obtained from fossil fuels?
c. How much crude oil was produced and how much was imported in the year 2002? How do these numbers compare with 20 and 40 years ago? What does this trend indicate?
d. How much coal was produced in the year 2002? Is that more or less than 20 years ago? Again, what does this trend indicate?
2. Go to the statistical web site, NationMaster at http://www.nationmaster.com/index.php
where you can put together a graph on energy usage. Select the appropriate energy statistic to read a graph and answer the following.
a. Select all countries under the energy category showing statistics on geothermal
power. Which country uses the most geothermal power? Which country uses
the most geothermal power per capita?
b. Under "more energy stats" make a graph showing all countries' consumption of
hydroelectric power. In most energy consumption statistics, developed countries
dominate, why do you think both developed and developing countries appear in
the top ten countries consuming hydroelectric power?
c. Under "more energy stats" make a graph showing all countries using traditional
fuel sources. Where are most of the leading countries in this category located?
Where do the United States and Canada fit in this graph? Why do so many
developed countries number near the bottom on this graph?
3. Go to World Resources Institute at http://forests.wri.org/ and click on the three maps showing past and present forest reserves. Select the appropriate map to answer the following questions.
a. Describe the spatial distribution of original forest extent for each continent.
b. Based on current forest extent, which continents appear to have lost the most forest area?
c. Identify the regions that still have large reserves of forest cover.
d. Why does the remaining frontier forest in Canada and Russia have a good chance of not being impacted by human activity?
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