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Book Preface
Meet the Author
Sample Chapter
What's New

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Human Biology, 9/e

Dr. Sylvia S. Mader

ISBN: 0072841869
Copyright year: 2006

Book Preface

When I was teaching general biology, it became apparent to me that students were very interested in how their bodies worked, how to keep them healthy, and how they can occasionally malfunction. Students also found environmental concepts intriguing. I decided it would be possible to write a text and develop a course for nonmajors that built on these interests while teaching biological concepts and how scientists think and carry out research.

The application of biological principles to practical human concerns is now widely accepted as a beneficial approach to the study of biology. Students should leave college with a firm grasp of how their bodies normally function and how the human population can become more fully integrated into the biosphere. We are frequently called upon to make health and environmental decisions. Wise decisions require adequate knowledge and can help ensure our continued survival as individuals and as a species.

In this edition, as in previous editions, Human Biology introduces students to the anatomy and physiology of the human body. All systems of the body are represented, and each system has its own chapter. The text also helps students understand that humans are a part of the biosphere, and that human activities can have environmental consequences.

Each chapter in Human Biology presents concepts clearly, simply, and distinctly so that students will feel capable of achieving an adult level of understanding. Detailed, highlevel scientific data and terminology are not included because I believe true knowledge consists of having a working understanding of concepts rather than technical facility.

This Edition

This ninth edition of Human Biology continues to stress relevancy and student interest. Some of the highlights of the ninth edition include:

• System chapters in Part II have been reorganized. Part II “Maintenance of the Human Body” has been reorganized to better emphasize the importance of the cardiovascular system to homeostasis and the importance of blood to the cardiovascular system. The first chapter in Part II is now entitled “Cardiovascular System: Heart and Blood Vessels.” This reorganization is consistent with the recognition that blood and tissue fluid make up the internal environment of humans.

• New chapter added to Part VI “Human Genetics.” Chapter 20 “Genetic Counseling” is new and serves as the pinnacle of the student’s study of genetics, because it covers all aspects of chromosomal and genetic diseases and ends with a discussion of how genomics may lead to better therapy for such disorders.

• Existing chapters in Part VI have been reorganized and rewritten. Chapter 17 “Cell Division and the Human Life Cycle” offers a much improved discussion of mitosis and meiosis (with new illustrations) and relates these two types of cell division to the human life cycle. Chapter 18 “Patterns of Inheritance” presents the basic principles of particulate inheritance in a way that leads to student understanding of both one-trait and two-trait autosomal crosses. The chapter also includes sex-linked inheritance. Chapter 19 “DNA Biology and Technology” is a more in-depth, but student-friendly, examination of DNA/RNA structure and function. This material serves as a necessary background to an appreciation of modernday utilization of DNA technology. The discussion of genomics and related fields helps students have a current understanding of genetics in the 21st century.

• Part VIII “Human Evolution and Ecology” has been reorganized into three chapters. Chapter 27 “Human Population, Planetary Resources, and Conservation” combines Chapters 26 and 27 from the eighth edition and shows the relationship between consumption of resources and pollution, and their effects on biodiversity.

• Homeostasis is emphasized through new illustrations. The Human Systems Work Together illustrations have been newly designed and revised to more efficiently highlight how body systems work together to achieve homeostasis. Each illustration outlines the functions of the various systems with brief, concise statements, and the accompanying human figure provides a visual of each system. On the facing page of the illustration, a full page of text discusses homeostasis in the context of that chapter, and features a possible event in the student’s everyday life.

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