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Table of Contents
Book Preface
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What's New

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Human Biology, 9/e

Dr. Sylvia S. Mader

ISBN: 0072841869
Copyright year: 2006


Teaching Supplements for the Instructor

McGraw-Hill offers a variety of tools and technology products to support the ninth edition of Human Biology. Instructors can obtain teaching aids by calling the Customer Service Department at (800) 338-3987 or by contacting their local McGraw-Hill sales representative.

Human Biology Laboratory Manual

The Human Biology Laboratory Manual, ninth edition, was written by Dr. Sylvia Mader. With few exceptions, each chapter in the text has an accompanying laboratory exercise in the manual. Every laboratory has been written to help students learn the fundamental concepts of human biology and the specific content of the chapter to which the lab relates, as well as gain a better understanding of the scientific method. ISBN 0-07-285799-4

Digital Content Manager

This collection of multimedia resources provides tools for rich visual support of your lectures. You can utilize artwork from the text in multiple formats to create customized classroom presentations, visually based tests and quizzes, dynamic course website content, or attractive printed support materials. The following assets are grouped by chapter on this cross-platform CD-ROM:

Art Full-color digital files of all illustrations in the book, plus the same art saved in an unlabeled version, can be readily incorporated into lecture presentations, exams, or custom-made classroom materials.

TextEdit Art Every line art figure is placed into a PowerPoint slide that allows the user to revise, move, or delete labels and leader lines as desired for creation of customized presentations and/or for testing purposes.

Photos All photos from the text are available in color, and photos with labels are also available unlabeled. A separate folder contains hundreds of additional photos relative to the study of human biology.

Tables Every table that appears in the text is provided in electronic format.

Animations Full-color presentations of key biological processes have been brought to life via animation. These animations offer flexibility for instructors and were designed to be used in lecture. Many of the animations are also available with Spanish narration and audio.

Active Art Illustrations depicting key processes have been converted to a format that allows the artwork to be edited inside of PowerPoint. Each piece can be broken down to its core elements, grouped or ungrouped, and edited to create customized illustrations.

PowerPoint Lecture Outlines Aready-made presentation that combines lecture notes, art, and animations is written for each chapter. They can be used as they are, or the instructor can customize them to preferred lecture topics and sequences.

PowerPoint Art Slides Art, photographs, and tables from each chapter have been pre-inserted into blank PowerPoint slides to which you can add your own notes.

Instructor’s Testing and Resource CD-ROM

This cross-platform CD-ROM provides these resources for the instructor:

Computerized Test Bankutilizing McGraw-Hill’s EZ Test, a flexible and easy-to-use electronic testing program. The program allows instructors to create tests from book-specific items. It accommodates a wide range of question types, and instructors may add their own questions. Multiple versions of the test can be created, and any test can be exported for use with course management systems such as WebCT, BlackBoard, or PageOut. The program is available for Windows and Macintosh environments. Word files of the test bank are included for those who prefer to work outside of the test-generator software.

Instructor’s Manual provides behavioral objectives, extended lecture outlines, and student activities. In addition, there is an explanation of text changes and reorganization as well as information on new and revised illustrations and tables.


This set of overhead transparencies includes all line art in the textbook plus tables. Images are printed with better visibility and contrast than ever before, and labels are large and bold for clear projection. ISBN 0-07-284189-3

Biology Digitized Video Clips

McGraw-Hill is pleased to offer adopting instructors a new presentation tool—digitized biology video clips on DVD! Licensed from some of the highest-quality science video producers in the world, these brief segments range from 15 seconds to just over two minutes in length and cover all areas of general biology from cells to ecosystems. Engaging and informative, McGraw-Hill’s digitized biology video clips will help capture students’ interest while illustrating key biological concepts and processes, such as how cilia and flagella work and how the stages of mitosis appear when viewed through a microscope. ISBN 007-312155-X

eInstruction Classroom Performance System (CPS)

Wireless technology brings interactivity into the classroom or lecture hall. Instructors and students receive immediate feedback through wireless response pads that are easy to use and engage students. eInstruction can be used by instructors to:
• Take attendance
• Administer quizzes and tests
• Create a lecture with intermittent questions
• Manage lectures and student comprehension through use of the CPS grade book
• Integrate interactivity into their PowerPoint presentations

Learning Supplements for the Student

Students can order the following supplemental study materials by contacting the McGraw-Hill Customer Service Department at (800) 338-3987.

Student Study Guide

To ensure close coordination with the text, Dr. Sylvia Mader has written the Student Study Guide that accompanies the text. Each text chapter has a corresponding study guide chapter that includes a listing of objectives, study questions, and a chapter test. Answers to the study questions and the chapter tests are provided to give students immediate feedback. The concepts in the study guide are the same as those in the text, and the questions in the study guide are sequenced according to those concepts. Instructors who make their choice of concepts known to the students can thereby direct student learning in an efficient manner. Students who make use of the Student Study Guide should find that performance increases dramatically. ISBN 0-07-293615-0

Student Interactive CD-ROM

This CD includes chapter-based quizzes, animations of complex processes, and PowerPoints of all the images found in the textbook. It is organized chapter-by-chapter and provides a link directly to the text’s Online Learning Center. This Interactive CD-ROM offers an indispensable resource for enhancing topics covered within the text.

Online Learning Center

The Human Biology Online Learning Center (OLC) at offers access to a vast array of premium online content. The Student Edition of the OLC features a wide variety of tools to help students learn biological concepts and to reinforce their knowledge.

e-Learning Connection Online study aids are organized according to the major sections of each chapter. Practice quizzes, interactive activities, animations, labeling exercises, flashcards, and much more will complement the learning and understanding of human biology.

Online Tutoring This tutorial service is moderated by qualified instructors. Help with difficult concepts is only an e-mail away!

Essential Study Partner This collection of interactive study modules contains hundreds of animations, learning activities, and quizzes designed to help students grasp complex concepts. xiv

Student Study Art Notebook

This Art Notebook, which includes every piece of line art from the textbook, is designed for students to take notes during lecture. Ample space around the figures makes taking notes an easier process. ISBN 0-07-310659-3

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.