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Table of Contents
Book Preface
Meet the Author
Sample Chapter
What's New

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Human Biology, 9/e

Dr. Sylvia S. Mader

ISBN: 0072841869
Copyright year: 2006


Vivid Illustrations Created for Clarity

Visual Focus Art
These illustrations provide a conceptual overview that relates structure to function. Step-by-step descriptions take a concept that could be difficult to understand and turn it into one that students can readily grasp.

Combination Art
Drawings of structures are paired with micrographs to provide students with two perspectives: the explanatory clarity of line drawings and the realism of photos.

Icons orient students to the whole structure or process, by providing small drawings that help students visualize how a particular structure is part of a larger one.

Macroscopic To Microscopic Art
Such illustrations guide students from the more intuitive macroscopic level of learning to the functional foundations revealed through microscopic images.

Human Systems Work Together
These revised and newly designed illustrations make it easier for students to understand how body systems work together to achieve homeostasis.
Strategically placed throughout the book, each illustration uses brief, concise statements to outline the functions of the body systems, while the accompanying figure provides a visual representation of each system.
A full page of text discussing homeostasis in the context of that chapter, and featuring a possible event in the student’s everyday life, also accompanies each illustration.

Proven Pedagogical Features

Chapter Concepts
The chapter outline contains questions, encouraging students to study the chapter for answers.

Open Vignette
Ashort, thought-provoking vignette applies chapter material to a real-life situation. Many of the vignettes have been revised for great student appeal.

Internal Summary Statements
A summary statement appears at the end of each major section of the chapter to help students focus on the key concepts.

Human Biology offers three types of boxed readings that put the chapter concepts in the context of modern-day issues:
• Health Focus readings review procedures and technology that can contribute to our well-being.
• Ecology Focusreadings show how the concepts of the chapter can be applied to ecological concerns and preserving the biosphere.
• Bioethical Focus readings describe modern situations that call for value judgments and challenge students to develop a point of view.

Summarizing The Concepts
The summary is organized according to the major sections in the chapter and helps students review the important topics and concepts.

Studying The Concepts
This page-referenced question set follows the sequence of the chapter and reviews the concepts that are presented.

Thinking Critically About The Concepts
This new set of chapter questions encourages students to apply what they’ve just learned to the real-life story that opened the chapter.

Testing Your Knowledge Of the Concepts
These objective questions allow students to check their knowledge of the chapter concepts. Answers are provided in the Appendix.

Understanding Key Terms
The boldface terms in the chapter are page referenced, and a matching exercise allows students to test their knowledge of the terms.

Website Reminder
Located at the end of each chapter is this reminder that quiz questions and additional learning activities are on the Online Learning Center.

Looking At Both Sides
This pedagogical tool directs students to the Online Learning Center where they are invited to expand their knowledge of highly relevant bioethical issues. Through this tool, students are encouraged to consider opposing viewpoints on an issue, synthesize the information, and develop an informed opinion. Such skills are critical to society, and also help students relate to the chapter concepts.

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