1 |  |  When sperm make contact with the zona pellucida surrounding the egg, ______ enzymes are released that allow a sperm to enter the egg. |
|  | A) | acrosomal |
|  | B) | acidic |
|  | C) | basic |
|  | D) | upgrading |
2 |  |  Polyspermy is prevented by: |
|  | A) | Release of acrosomal enzymes. |
|  | B) | Depolarization of the egg's plasma membrane. |
|  | C) | Lifting of the zona pellucida away from the egg's plasma membrane. |
|  | D) | Both B and C are correct. |
3 |  |  The fertilized egg is initially called the ______. |
|  | A) | oocyte |
|  | B) | ovum |
|  | C) | zygote |
|  | D) | embryo |
4 |  |  Cleavage of the zygote refers to: |
|  | A) | mitosis with no increase in cell size. |
|  | B) | mitosis with increase in cell size. |
|  | C) | migration of cells after division. |
|  | D) | formation of the extra-embryonic membranes. |
5 |  |  After implantation in the endometrium, the cells surrounding the embryo produce ______, the presence of which is the basis for a positive pregnancy test. |
|  | A) | human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) |
|  | B) | luteinizing hormone (LH) |
|  | C) | cortisol |
6 |  |  Morphogenesis refers to _________. |
|  | A) | the total life cycle of any animal |
|  | B) | the shaping of the embryo |
|  | C) | the mechanism by which gametes are formed |
|  | D) | the study of the beginning and end of life |
7 |  |  At what embryonic stage is the inner cell mass first evident? |
|  | A) | zygote |
|  | B) | morula |
|  | C) | blastula |
|  | D) | gastrula |
8 |  |  All muscles of the human body are derived from what germ layer? |
|  | A) | ectoderm |
|  | B) | endoderm |
|  | C) | mesoderm |
9 |  |  One of the extraembryonic membranes, the ______, provides a fluid environment for the developing embryo and fetus. |
|  | A) | chorion |
|  | B) | amnion |
|  | C) | allantois |
|  | D) | yolk sac |
10 |  |  Which extraembryonic membrane contributes to the circulatory system of the fetus by becoming umbilical blood vessels? |
|  | A) | chorion |
|  | B) | amnion |
|  | C) | allantois |
|  | D) | yolk sac |
11 |  |  The _____ is where fetal blood exchanges molecules with maternal blood. |
|  | A) | uterus |
|  | B) | vagina |
|  | C) | placenta |
|  | D) | umbilical cord |
12 |  |  The extra-embryonic membrane that develops into the fetal half of the placenta is the: |
|  | A) | amnion. |
|  | B) | yolk sac. |
|  | C) | allantois. |
|  | D) | chorion. |
13 |  |  The trophoblast of the pre-embryo will become the: |
|  | A) | embryo. |
|  | B) | yolk sac. |
|  | C) | chorion. |
|  | D) | embryonic disk. |
14 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a primary germ layer? |
|  | A) | gastroderm. |
|  | B) | endoderm |
|  | C) | ectoderm. |
|  | D) | mesoderm. |
15 |  |  What is the first major body system to become visually evident in the embryo? |
|  | A) | skeletal |
|  | B) | cardiovascular |
|  | C) | nervous |
|  | D) | muscular |
16 |  |  When does the heart develop and begin pumping blood? |
|  | A) | 1 to 2 weeks |
|  | B) | 2 to 3 weeks |
|  | C) | 3 to 4 weeks |
|  | D) | 4 to 5 weeks |
17 |  |  When does the embryo take on human characteristics? |
|  | A) | 4 to 6 weeks |
|  | B) | 6 to 8 weeks |
|  | C) | 8 to 10 weeks |
|  | D) | 10 to 12 weeks |
18 |  |  Which of the following is NOT required for the development of a male child? |
|  | A) | testosterone |
|  | B) | dihydrotestosterone (DHT) |
|  | C) | Wolffian hormone |
|  | D) | anti-Mullerian hormone |
19 |  |  In androgen insensitivity syndrome, the fetus has ____ and _____ external sex characteristics. |
|  | A) | ovaries; female |
|  | B) | ovaries; male |
|  | C) | testes; female |
|  | D) | testes; male |
20 |  |  Which of these is true about estrogen and progesterone from the placenta during pregnancy? |
|  | A) | These hormones prevent new follicles from maturing. |
|  | B) | These hormones maintain the uterine lining. |
|  | C) | Both A and B |
|  | D) | Neither A nor B |
21 |  |  Harmful chemicals can cross the placenta, and this is of particular concern during the ______ period, when various structures are first forming. |
|  | A) | latent |
|  | B) | embryonic |
|  | C) | birthing |
|  | D) | development |
22 |  |  In the fetal circulatory system, the oval opening is located between the ____________. |
|  | A) | pulmonary artery and aorta |
|  | B) | umbilical vein and inferior vena cava |
|  | C) | two atria |
|  | D) | two ventricles |
23 |  |  Which of the following ducts connect the pulmonary artery to the aorta in the fetus? |
|  | A) | oval opening |
|  | B) | venous duct |
|  | C) | arterial duct |
|  | D) | umbilical artery |
24 |  |  At the end of the first two months, the embryo _________. |
|  | A) | has a tail |
|  | B) | has all major organs |
|  | C) | has a large head |
|  | D) | has both B and C |
25 |  |  The period of fetal development is during the _______. |
|  | A) | third month through the ninth month |
|  | B) | first week through the sixth week |
|  | C) | second week through the eighth week |
26 |  |  In the fetus, bone is replacing cartilage during ________. |
|  | A) | weeks 1-4 |
|  | B) | weeks 5-8 |
|  | C) | the third month |
|  | D) | the fifth month |
27 |  |  It is possible to distinguish sex in the fetus during _______. |
|  | A) | weeks 1-4 |
|  | B) | weeks 5-8 |
|  | C) | the third month |
|  | D) | the fifth month |
28 |  |  The wrinkled, translucent, pink-colored skin of the fetus covered by a fine down is called ______. |
|  | A) | fluff |
|  | B) | lanugo |
|  | C) | vernix |
|  | D) | dermis |
29 |  |  What determines whether a fetus is male or female? |
|  | A) | presence of a Y chromosome |
|  | B) | presence of an X chromosome |
|  | C) | androgenic hormones of the mother |
|  | D) | All of these are correct. |
30 |  |  Labor and the expulsion of the fetus are termed _______. |
|  | A) | dilation |
|  | B) | contraction |
|  | C) | parturition |
|  | D) | remission |
31 |  |  The hormones involved in uterine contractions are _______. |
|  | A) | epinephrine and norepinephrine |
|  | B) | calcitonin and cortisol |
|  | C) | prostaglandins and oxytocin |
32 |  |  The birth of the baby occurs during the ______ stage of parturition. |
|  | A) | first |
|  | B) | second |
|  | C) | third |
33 |  |  The delivery of the afterbirth or placenta occurs during the ___ stage of parturition. |
|  | A) | first |
|  | B) | second |
|  | C) | third |
34 |  |  Which hormones are involved with lactation? |
|  | A) | oxytocin |
|  | B) | HCG |
|  | C) | prolactin |
|  | D) | both A and C |
35 |  |  Increased maternal weight comes from: |
|  | A) | breast and uterine enlargement. |
|  | B) | weight of the fetus. |
|  | C) | increased storage of proteins, fats, and minerals. |
|  | D) | All of these are correct. |
36 |  |  Which of the following does NOT increase during pregnancy? |
|  | A) | maternal blood volume |
|  | B) | maternal vital capacity |
|  | C) | maternal intestinal motility |
|  | D) | maternal red blood cell count |
37 |  |  The study of aging is called _______. |
|  | A) | paleontology |
|  | B) | ethnobotany |
|  | C) | elderology |
|  | D) | gerontology |
38 |  |  Which of the following is(are) associated with osteoporosis? |
|  | A) | cigarette smoking |
|  | B) | heavy alcohol intake |
|  | C) | inadequate calcium intake |
|  | D) | All of these are correct. |
39 |  |  Which of these is a contemporary theory of aging? |
|  | A) | aging is genetic |
|  | B) | aging is a whole-body process involving systems (e.g., the endocrine or immune system) |
|  | C) | aging is mostly due to a lifetime of poor health habits |
|  | D) | All of these are correct. |
40 |  |  The leading cause of death among the elderly is ______. |
|  | A) | kidney malfunction |
|  | B) | cardiovascular disorders |
|  | C) | glaucoma |
|  | D) | osteoporosis |
41 |  |  Which of these is a typical part of aging? |
|  | A) | a loss in short-term memory |
|  | B) | loss of skeletal muscle mass |
|  | C) | weight gain |
|  | D) | All of these are correct. |
42 |  |  Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging seen with the integumentary (skin) system? |
|  | A) | Thinning of the skin with less adipose tissue. |
|  | B) | Blotches of pigmentation. |
|  | C) | Thinning of hair due to fewer hair follicles. |
|  | D) | Temperature adjustments limited due to more sweat glands. |
43 |  |  Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging related to the cardiovascular system? |
|  | A) | Arteries become more rigid due to cross-linking and plaque build-up. |
|  | B) | Increased blood supply to the kidneys leading to less efficient filtering. |
|  | C) | Heart size decreases due to decrease in muscle cell size. |
|  | D) | Increased blood pressure due to increased heart activity and more rigid arteries. |