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9.1 Urinary System 9.1 Urinary System 9.1 Urinary System
  • The urinary system consists of organs that produce, store, and rid the body of urine.
  • The kidneys excrete metabolic wastes and maintain the water-salt and the acid-base balance of the blood within normal limits.
  1. What are the functions and what are the organs of the urinary system?
  2. In what four ways do the kidneys help maintain homeostasis?

Essential Study Partner

Art Labeling Activity

9.2 Kidney Structure9.2 Kidney Structure9.2 Kidney Structure
  • Kidneys have a macroscopic (gross) anatomy and a microscopic anatomy.
  • Urine is produced by many microscopic tubules called nephrons.
  1. What are the three major areas of a kidney?
  2. What microscopic structure is responsible for the production of urine?
  3. How do the parts of a nephron differ?

Essential Study Partner

Animation Activity

Art Labeling Activity

Art Quiz

  • Nephron
  • Transport Process in Mammalian Nephron
9.3 Urine Formation 9.3 Urine Formation 9.3 Urine Formation
  • Like many physiological processes, urine formation is a multistep process.
  1. What are the major processes in urine formation?
  2. How does the nephron carry out these processes?

Essential Study Partner

9.4 Regulatory Functions of the Kidney9.4 Regulatory Functions of the Kidney9.4 Regulatory Functions of the Kidney
  • The kidneys are under hormonal control as they regulate the water-salt balance of the body.
  1. Where and how is water reabsorbed so that urine is concentrated?
  2. What three hormones influence urine production and kidney function? How do these hormones work together?
  3. How do the kidneys regulate the pH of body fluids?

Essential Study Partner

9.5 Problems with Kidney Function9.5 Problems with Kidney Function9.5 Problems with Kidney Function
  • The kidneys are vital body organs, and their malfunction causes illness and even death.
  1. What are the most common causes of renal disease, and how can it be treated?
9.6 Homeostasis9.6 Homeostasis9.6 Homeostasis
  • The urinary system works with the other systems of the body to maintain homeostasis
  • The kidneys excrete hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions to regulate the pH of the blood.
  1. How does the urinary system work with other systems of the body to maintain homeostasis?
  2. How do the kidneys regulate the pH of body fluids?

Art Quiz

  • Homeostasis of Blood Volume and Pressure

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