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Central route persuasion occurs when interested people focus on the and respond with favorable . Peripheral route persuasion occurs when people use rule-of-thumb or incidental to make snap judgments.

Credible communicators are both and . communicators, for example, those with physical appeal or who are similar to the audience, are also persuasive.

Messages are more convincing when associated with . Messages that arouse can also be effective especially when the listener is given effective ways to reduce it.

The of the audience is also important. We seem to form our basic attitudes when young and carry them through adulthood. What the audience is while listening to a message will determine its impact. an audience of a disagreeable message reduces persuasion by stimulating . On the other hand, people while they hear a disagreeable message can increase by interfering with counterarguing.

Psychologists increasingly accept the idea that social is at the heart of therapy. Early analyses focused on how therapists' enhanced their influence. More recent analyses have focused on how the interaction affects the client's .

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