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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The central route is to __________ as the peripheral route is to ___________.
A)analytical; motivated
B)similarity; attractiveness
C)heuristics; incidental cues
D)high effort; low effort

Credible communicators are both ______________ and _______________.
A)expert; attractive
B)intelligent; mature
C)attractive; intelligent
D)expert; trustworthy

Which of the following is not one of the three major ingredients studied by psychologists in research on effective persuasion?
A)the characteristics of the communicator
B)the content of the message
C)the setting of the communication
D)the characteristics of the audience

Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the "sleeper effect"?
A)unsuspecting people often fail to distinguish education from propaganda
B)a foreign language can be acquired by listening to records while one sleeps
C)the impact of a low-credibility communicator may increase over time
D)people who are not alert rarely counterargue

Most recent analyses of social influence in psychotherapy have focused on how
A)therapists establish credible expertise and trustworthiness
B)the peripheral route to persuasion can produce enduring attitude and behavior change
C)the various channels of communication affect the therapeutic process
D)the interaction between therapist and client affects the client's thinking

What is the effect of a fear-arousing communication?
A)fear renders a communication ineffective
B)generally the more frightened people are, the more they respond
C)evoking a low level of fear is effective, but producing a high level of fear is not
D)fear appeals are effective with women but boomerang with men

Which factor has been shown to influence the impact a discrepant message has on the audience?
A)age of the audience
B)communication channel
C)communicator credibility
D)communicator attractiveness

Highly credible communicators elicit most opinion change when they advocate positions that
A)differ only moderately from the position of the audience
B)differ extensively from the position of the audience
C)elicit strong reactance from the audience
D)arouse strong dissonance in the audience

What effect does distraction have on persuasive communications?
A)distraction interferes with reception of the message and as a result the communication is always less persuasive
B)distraction facilitates persuasion by inhibiting counterarguing
C)the results of studies are so conflicting that no one knows
D)distraction facilitates persuasion by reducing the sleeper effect

People may be more likely to be influenced by peripheral cues such as the appeal of the communicator when they are
A)image-conscious and thus care less about whether they are right or wrong
B)highly involved in the issue
C)analytically inclined
D)in genuine conflict over the merits of the arguments

"Life-cycle" and "generational" explanations both attempt to explain
A)why the content of messages changes over time
B)why people have different attitudes depending on their age
C)why a particular communicator has a different effect on people of different ages
D)how an emotional appeal builds to a climax in terms of its impact

Forewarning people that they are going to be exposed to a persuasive communication
A)distracts them and thus makes them more susceptible to influence
B)generally has no effect on their susceptibility to influence
C)elicits fear and reduces their comprehension of the message
D)makes them more resistant to influence

People who are highly involved in an issue will likely be most strongly influenced by the
A)attractiveness of the source
B)expertise of the source
C)strength of the arguments
D)sheer number of arguments

You have been asked to design an advertising campaign urging people to stop drinking alcohol. To be most effective your message should arouse
A)no fear
B)a moderate level of fear
C)a low level of fear
D)a high level of fear

Experiments in persuasion have explored ways to stimulate people's thinking by
A)using rhetorical questions
B)presenting multiple speakers
C)using relaxed rather than standing postures
D)doing all of the above

Ralph begins eating a new breakfast cereal simply because its box carries a picture of his favorite baseball player. Psychologists would say that Ralph was persuaded through the _______________ route.

A television commercial for a new car carefully analyzes the car's features and price relative to other available models. Clearly the advertiser is attempting to follow the _______________ route to persuasion.

According to the text, the communicator's similarity to us constitutes one aspect of his or her

As a means of preventing counterargument, distraction is especially effective when
A)the message is simple
B)the audience is forewarned
C)there is no pressure toward early commitment
D)the audience consists of adolescents

According to David Sears, researchers have almost always found ________________ effects in studying age differences in attitudes.
B)life cycle

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