|  Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 2/e Theodore Schick,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
The Problem of Evil and the Existence of God The Mysterious Universe: God as Creator
Thought ProbesBiblical Truths: Does the failure to find confirming evidence for many of the Bible's historical claims undercut the credibility of its nonhistorical claims?
| Archeology vs. the Bible
Article by Haim Watzman describing the archaeological findings that seem incompatible with the Biblical accounts |  |  |  | Beyond the Founding Myths
Article by Laura Miller from Salon.com on the Biblical minimalists |  |  |  | A Centrist at the Center of Controversy
Interview with David Finkelstein by Hershel Shanks for Biblical Archeology Review |  |  |  | Minimalism, Ancient Israel, and Anti-Semitism
Article by Phillip Davies (University of Sheffield) on Biblical minimalism |  |  |  | Contra Davies
Response to Davies article by William G. Dever (University of Arizona) |
Why a Universe? If God is infinitely old, why did He create a universe 15 billion years ago?
| Why Did God Create the Universe?
Discussion by Brian Tee (University of Sheffiled) from philosophos.com |  |  |  | The Definition of God
Article by Bryan Prim arguing that if God is perfect, he can have no reason to create the universe |  |  |  | Dear Theologian
Set of questions written by Dan Barker that God might want to ask a theologian |  |  |  | Why Did He Not Create the Universe Sooner rather than Later?
Article from the Pearls of Wisdom |  |  |  | The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence
Excerpts from the debate between Newton and Leibniz on the nature of God from Andrew Gregory (University College London) |  |  |  | Why Did God Create Us with Sin in the World?
Article by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry arguing that God created the world to show his love for us |
Human Design Flaws: Does the fact that humans are poorly designed provide evidence against the intelligent design theory?
| If Humans Were Built to Last
Article by S. Jay Olshansky et. al from the Scientific American on ways to improve the design of human beings |  |  |  | Designed for Longevity: the Perfect Body
Interactive depiction of the perfect body |  |  |  | Evolution and Origin of Disease
Article by Randolph M. Nesse and George C. Williams on the evolutionary origin of disease |  |  |  | Bad Taste in Bodyscape
Article by Joel Carbonnel arguing that humans are built for extended life |  |  |  | Intelligent Design Theory
Notes for a debate on Intelligent Design Theory between Dr. Tom Woodward and Dr. Tom Weinshank |
Parting the Red Sea: Does the fact that the Red Sea can be parted by natural forces undercut the notion that is was parted by God?
| The Miracle of: the Parting of the Red Sea
Description of the parting of the Red Sea from Exodus 14: 21-31 |  |  |  | Oceanographers Say Wind May Have Parted the Waters
Article by John Noble Wilford from the New York Times, March 13, 1992 |  |  |  | Physics Parts the Red Sea
Article from Science, April 24, 1992 |  |  |  | Science Solves Ancient Mysteries of the Bible
Article by Mike Fillon providing scientific explanations for a number of Biblical events |  |  |  | Biblical Miracles: Did They Happen?
Article by Charles Colson arguing that even if the parting of the Red Sea can be explained in natural terms, its timing is miraculous |
Jesus's Miracles: Given the fact that Jesus's "miracles" are similar to those performed by other magicians at the time, can they be considered to be real?
| Was Jesus a Magician?
Article by Vic Stenger (University of Hawaii) examining the magician hypothesis |  |  |  | Hellenistic Magic and Jesus
Article by M. D. Magee analyzing the references to magic in the Bible |  |  |  | Divine or Magical? Attacks on Christianity with Allegations of Magic
Article by Frannie Texidor citing some of the early claims that Christianity is based on magic |  |  |  | The Unoriginal Miracle Claims of the New Testament
Article from Patrick S. arguing that many of the miracle claims of the Bible can be found in other religious traditions |  |  |  | Jesus: Magician, Maniac, or Master
Article by Rob Lamont citing Biblical evidences for Jesus's divinity |  |  |  | Jesus and Ancient Magicians
Article by Greg Boyd critiquing the claim that Jesus was just a magician |
The Fivefold Challenge: Five major miraculous events are unconfirmed by modern archaeology: the parting of the Red Sea by Moses; the stopping of the sun by Joshua; the reversal of the sun's course by Isaiah, the feeding of thousands of people by Jesus using only five loaves of bread and two fishes; and the resurrection of the saints. Does this provide good reason for believing that these miracles never occurred?
| The Five Fold Challenge
Robby Berry's challenge to present extra-Biblical evidence for these miracles |  |  |  | What About the Five Fold Challenge?
Article from the Christian ThinkTank explaining why it is unlikely we will find evidence for Biblical miracles |  |  |  | Argument from Miracles
Set of links regarding the argument from miracles from the Secular Web |  |  |  | Examining Miracle Claims
Article by Joe Nickell (Center for Inquiry) on alternative explanations for various miraculous claims |  |  |  | Science and Miracles
Article by Theodore Drange on the relation between science and miracles |
Religious Experience: Does the fact that religious experiences can be produced electronically undercut the claim that they are produced by a supernatural being?
| This is Your Brain on God
Article by Jack Hitt for Wired reporting on Michael Persinger's spiritual experience machine |  |  |  | Wired for Ultimate Reality: The Neuropsychology of Religious Experience
Article by Andrew Newberg and Eugene D'Aquili describing their research into the basis of religious experience |  |  |  | Tracing the Synapses of our Spirituality
Article by Shankar Vedantam for the Washington Post reporting on recent research into the biological basis of religious experience |  |  |  | Mystical Experience, Hallucination, and Belief in God
Article by Alastair I. McIntosh defending the argument from mystical experience |  |  |  | Hard-Wired for God
Article by Amy Ellis Nutt for the Newhouse News Service reporting on the work of neurologist Rhawn Joseph who believes our brains have evolved to sense God |  |  |  | Religious Experience
Set of links to articles regarding the argument from religious experience from the Secular Web |
The Best Bet: Which wager, Pascal's or Silverman's, do you think is the best?
| Pascal's Wager
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |  |  |  | Pascal's Wager
Set of links to articles on Pascal's wager from the Secular Web |  |  |  | The End of Pascal's Wager: Only Nontheists Go to Heaven
Article by Richard Carrier |  |  |  | Pascal's Wager Refuted
Article by Theodore Drange (West Virginia University) outlining objections to Pascal's wager |  |  |  | Pascal's Wager
Lecture notes by Alan Stairs (University of Maryland) examining the reasoning behind Pascal's wager |
The Source of Meaning: Can one make one's own life meaningful or must it be part of a divine plan?
| Questions about the Meaning of Life
Article by R. W. Hepburn from Religious Studies (1965) discussing philosophical vs. religious approaches to the meaning of life |  |  |  | What is the Meaning of Life?
Article from the Principia Cybernetica Web arguing that the meaning of life is to increase fitness |  |  |  | Evolution and the Meaning of Life
Article by William Grey from Zygon (1987) arguing considering the relevance of biology to understanding the meaning of life |  |  |  | The Meaning of Life
Article by Fredrik Benz arguing that meaning is something that one creates |  |  |  | Why are We Here?
Article by Rick Brown from purposeoflife.org |