Read each question carefully and then select the best answer.
1 |  |  _______ development involves thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong. |
|  | A) | Cognitive |
|  | B) | Social |
|  | C) | Moral |
|  | D) | Religious |
2 |  |  Which of the following statements BEST summarizes the questions that researchers ask in their study of moral development? |
|  | A) | How do children feel about a moral circumstance? |
|  | B) | What do children do when presented with a moral circumstance? |
|  | C) | What do children believe they should do when presented with a moral circumstance? |
|  | D) | What should and will children do, and how do they feel about a moral situation? |
3 |  |  A major distinction between autonomous morality and heteronomous morality is that autonomous moral thinkers focus on: |
|  | A) | consequences of behavior. |
|  | B) | intentions of someone who breaks a rule. |
|  | C) | way a specific behavior makes them feel. |
|  | D) | rewards moral behavior will bring. |
4 |  |  Piaget believed that the social understanding of autonomous children comes about through: |
|  | A) | parental modeling. |
|  | B) | what they learn in their educational settings. |
|  | C) | biological maturation. |
|  | D) | the mutual give-and-take of peer relations. |
5 |  |  "Heinz should steal the drug. It isn't like it really cost $2,000, and he'll be really unhappy if his wife dies." This statement is characteristic of a stage of morality called: |
|  | A) | heteronomous morality. |
|  | B) | individualism, purpose, and exchange. |
|  | C) | mutual interpersonal expectations. |
|  | D) | social contract and individual rights. |
6 |  |  Matt is a 10-year-old who likes to play soccer during recess. One day, a friend teaches him a different set of rules about the game that Matt accepts. He now plays soccer in a new way. Matt is in which stage of moral development? |
|  | A) | autonomous morality |
|  | B) | heteronomous morality |
|  | C) | basic morality |
|  | D) | extended morality |
7 |  |  A little boy claims that he does not have to have a time-out when he hits his younger brother, since each time he does so it is an "accident." This happens even when the mother sees him taking aim and intentionally hitting. This little boy: |
|  | A) | believes that all hitting is wrong. |
|  | B) | clearly believes in immanent justice. |
|  | C) | understands that justice is not necessarily immanent. |
|  | D) | understands that hitting will be punished regardless of the circumstances. |
8 |  |  Lawrence Kohlberg studied moral development by: |
|  | A) | analyzing patterns of children's responses to items about moral decisions on questionnaires. |
|  | B) | classifying children's solutions to difficult moral problems. |
|  | C) | observing children interact with each other when they are in conflict. |
|  | D) | interviewing families about how they have taught moral principles to their children. |
9 |  |  Stephanie's behavior is controlled by external rewards and punishments. Stephanie's behavior reflects which level of Kohlberg's theory of moral development? |
|  | A) | preconventional reasoning |
|  | B) | conventional reasoning |
|  | C) | interconventional reasoning |
|  | D) | postconventional reasoning |
10 |  |  In which stage of Kohlberg's scheme of moral development is a person most likely to imitate the moral standards of others? |
|  | A) | individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange |
|  | B) | mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity |
|  | C) | social systems morality |
|  | D) | community rights vs. individual rights |
11 |  |  Sarah is about to deliver a baby. Her husband is driving her to the hospital at 80 miles per hour. Their children are also in the car. Billy says, "Daddy, you can't go this fast. It's against the law." Mandi says, "It's all right, Billy. Daddy has to get Mommy to the hospital quickly. This car is like an ambulance." What is Mandi's moral level? |
|  | A) | conventional |
|  | B) | preconventional |
|  | C) | postconventional |
|  | D) | heteronomous morality |
12 |  |  The greatest degree of internalization of moral standards is to be found in a stage of moral development called: |
|  | A) | mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity. |
|  | B) | social systems morality. |
|  | C) | social contract or utility and individual rights. |
|  | D) | universal ethical principles. |
13 |  |  More than 80 percent of the respondents to a survey said that buying a stolen television set is morally wrong. Yet 50 percent admitted they would buy a stolen set if guaranteed they would not be caught. These data indicate: |
|  | A) | preconventional moral reasoning. |
|  | B) | social prohibitions are more potent than moral ones. |
|  | C) | that purchasing stolen property is an accepted social convention. |
|  | D) | that for many people, moral belief does not predict moral behavior. |
14 |  |  Research on Kohlberg's theory of moral development in 27 diverse cultures around the world: |
|  | A) | has provided no universal support for this theory. |
|  | B) | has provided support for the universality of the first four stages. |
|  | C) | has provided support for the universality of all six stages. |
|  | D) | has found conflicting results in terms of the theory's universality. |
15 |  |  William Damon (1988) has found that, where culturally specific practices take on profound moral and religious significance, the moral development of children focuses extensively on their: |
|  | A) | adherence to custom and convention. |
|  | B) | imitation of older people. |
|  | C) | obedience to authority figures. |
|  | D) | sense of fairness involving principles of equality, merit, and benevolence. |
16 |  |  Carol Gilligan (1996) has found that as girls reach adolescence they: |
|  | A) | become increasingly moral. |
|  | B) | adopt a justice perspective of morality. |
|  | C) | increasingly silence their "distinctive voice." |
|  | D) | become more outspoken about their inner feelings. |
17 |  |  Gilligan has criticized Kohlberg's theory of moral development because: |
|  | A) | it does not include a role for reasoning about relationships and concern for others. |
|  | B) | it does not recognize higher-level moral reasoning in certain cultural groups. |
|  | C) | it underemphasizes laws and societal structures. |
|  | D) | it places too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior. |
18 |  |  Carol Gilligan reports that males tend to use a(n) _______ perspective when making moral judgments, whereas females tend to use a(n) _______ perspective. |
|  | A) | justice; care |
|  | B) | care; justice |
|  | C) | egocentric; nonegocentric |
|  | D) | nonegocentric; egocentric |
19 |  |  In a study by Hartshorne and May (1928-1930) that looked at children's moral behavior, the researchers found that: |
|  | A) | children were more likely to cheat than to be honest. |
|  | B) | children were more likely to be honest than to cheat. |
|  | C) | a completely honest or a completely dishonest child was difficult to find. |
|  | D) | children with a strict religious background were less likely to cheat than their peers without such an upbringing. |
20 |  |  According to social cognitive theorists, the ability to resist temptation is closely tied to the development of: |
|  | A) | empathic behavior. |
|  | B) | spontaneity. |
|  | C) | abstract reasoning. |
|  | D) | self-control. |
21 |  |  Lisa praises her daughter each time she sees her sharing a toy or snack with her friend. Her belief that reinforcement will help shape her daughter's moral development would be shared by: |
|  | A) | social cognitive theorists. |
|  | B) | psychoanalytic theorists. |
|  | C) | behaviorists. |
|  | D) | cognitive developmental theorists. |
22 |  |  Three-year-old Michelle watches while an experimenter places a small piece of candy under a cup. She is told that she can have the candy when the experimenter rings a bill. This experimenter is studying: |
|  | A) | temptation. |
|  | B) | delay of gratification. |
|  | C) | altruism. |
|  | D) | sharing. |
23 |  |  When her mother asks Selena why she feels so sad, Selena says it is because her best friend just lost her puppy. Selena is exhibiting: |
|  | A) | guilt. |
|  | B) | empathy. |
|  | C) | heteronomous morality. |
|  | D) | lack of perspective taking. |
24 |  |  The _______ is the component of the superego that involves ideal standards approved of by parents, whereas the _______ is the component of the superego that involves behaviors disapproved of by parents. |
|  | A) | ego-ideal; conscience |
|  | B) | conscience; ego-ideal |
|  | C) | ego-ideal; ego-false |
|  | D) | ego-ideal; ego-immoral |
25 |  |  William Damon (1988) has found that by the time children enter elementary school, they share with others: |
|  | A) | for the fun of the social play ritual. |
|  | B) | out of imitation of older people. |
|  | C) | out of obligation, but don't think they need to be as generous to others as they are to themselves. |
|  | D) | from a sense of fairness involving principles of equality, merit, and benevolence. |
26 |  |  The dictum "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" expresses the role of _______ in altruism. |
|  | A) | trust |
|  | B) | reciprocity |
|  | C) | self-interest |
|  | D) | empathy |
27 |  |  Jenny puts a Christmas gift under the donation tree at the shopping mall. She just wants to give something to a needy child. Jenny is displaying an example of: |
|  | A) | altruistic behavior. |
|  | B) | the justice perspective. |
|  | C) | preconventional morality. |
|  | D) | social contract reasoning. |
28 |  |  Research on the relationship between the role of parenting and children's moral development has demonstrated that: |
|  | A) | parenting is primarily responsible for children's moral development. |
|  | B) | heredity is primarily responsible for children's moral development. |
|  | C) | parenting and peer relations are jointly responsible for children's moral development. |
|  | D) | parenting, heredity, and peer relations are all responsible for children's moral development. |
29 |  |  Martin Hoffman (1970) suggests that parents use _______ to encourage children's moral development. |
|  | A) | induction |
|  | B) | love withdrawal |
|  | C) | power assertion |
|  | D) | spanking |
30 |  |  A discipline technique in which a parent withholds attention from a child is: |
|  | A) | love withdrawal. |
|  | B) | power assertion. |
|  | C) | induction. |
|  | D) | emotional blackmail. |
31 |  |  The hidden curriculum is: |
|  | A) | the expectation that certain minorities will not be academically successful. |
|  | B) | the liberal bias that undermines personal responsibility in the schools. |
|  | C) | the moral atmosphere in every school. |
|  | D) | the personal agendas teachers have for their students. |
32 |  |  Mrs. Woelfel wants to teach her teen students about the values of democracy and loyalty. She should use: |
|  | A) | service learning. |
|  | B) | cognitive moral education. |
|  | C) | values clarification. |
|  | D) | the hidden curriculum. |
33 |  |  Sandra and her class spend a part of their week at the local food bank to participate in feeding the homeless. A part of her education is to learn about this population and resources for them in the community. This academic approach is called: |
|  | A) | community-based learning |
|  | B) | service learning |
|  | C) | applied learning |
|  | D) | resource-oriented learning |
34 |  |  Research on service learning has shown that: |
|  | A) | grades decline because students have less time for their studies. |
|  | B) | students' self-esteem improves. |
|  | C) | students become alienated from their families. |
|  | D) | students are resentful of the extra pressures placed on them. |
35 |  |  Henry is 8 years -old, and his parents report that they just caught him lying and that he has been getting into fights. A psychologist is most likely to tell Henry's parents: |
|  | A) | that he most likely has a conduct disorder. |
|  | B) | not to worry because these behaviors are normal for his age. He will most likely outgrow them. |
|  | C) | that he is in danger of becoming a juvenile delinquent. |
|  | D) | that Henry should immediately begin receiving extensive therapy to prevent the development of a conduct disorder. |
36 |  |  Six-year-old Cain tortures animals and terrorizes his sister Abby. He steals money from his mother and destroys the neighbors' property. Cain probably has: |
|  | A) | a conduct disorder. |
|  | B) | attention deficit disorder. |
|  | C) | antisocial personality disorder. |
|  | D) | oppositional defiant disorder. |
37 |  |  According to James Garbarino's research, youth killers lack: |
|  | A) | appropriate role models. |
|  | B) | a spiritual center. |
|  | C) | strict discipline. |
|  | D) | higher-order moral development. |
38 |  |  Since 1968, college freshmen's values have changed in that they have become increasingly committed to: |
|  | A) | developing a meaningful philosophy of life. |
|  | B) | helping others. |
|  | C) | volunteering in such activities as the Peace Corps and Americorps. |
|  | D) | being well-off financially. |
39 |  |  If a person is going to experience a religious change or reawakening, it is most likely to occur during: |
|  | A) | late childhood. |
|  | B) | adolescence. |
|  | C) | middle adulthood. |
|  | D) | late adulthood. |
40 |  |  Which country has the highest rate of citizens who believe in God? |
|  | A) | the United States |
|  | B) | India |
|  | C) | Italy |
|  | D) | Scandinavia |
41 |  |  Eighteen-year-old Jeremiah's belief in God is consistent with what he has been taught by his parents and in religious school. He just heard someone robbed a store owned by family friends, and he believes this person should be punished both in Heaven and on Earth for the harm he has done. Jeremiah is probably in which of Fowler's stages of religious development? |
|  | A) | mythical-literal faith |
|  | B) | synthetic-conventional faith |
|  | C) | individuating-reflexive faith |
|  | D) | conjunctive faith |
42 |  |  If Sarah expresses typical "American attitudes" toward religion, we would expect her to: |
|  | A) | deny the existence of God. |
|  | B) | reveal a declining faith in mainstream religious institutions. |
|  | C) | have strongly positive feelings toward religious leaders. |
|  | D) | believe that our country's spiritual and moral stature are increasing. |
43 |  |  Compared with men's involvement in religion, women are more likely to: |
|  | A) | have less faith in the mainstream religious institutions. |
|  | B) | believe in a higher power. |
|  | C) | change churches when they are dissatisfied. |
|  | D) | experiment with alternative religious practices. |
44 |  |  Which of the following would be most consistent with the research on religion and aging? |
|  | A) | Rivka, an 87-year-old widow who considers her religious faith to be extremely significant in her life, expresses a sense of well-being. |
|  | B) | Avram, a 75-year-old man who practices his religion faithfully, lacks a sense of satisfaction with his life. |
|  | C) | Malka, an 88-year-old housewife who has begun to doubt whether there is a god, is satisfied with her life as it is. |
|  | D) | Mort, an 80-year-old retiree who no longer practices his faith, expresses a sense of satisfaction with his life. |