Larry Nucci's outstanding site on moral development and education. Gives overviews of basic moral development ideas of Piaget, Kohlberg, Turiel, and Gilligan, as well as extensive coverage of moral education and links to related sites. (
Read four of Kohlberg's moral dilemmas and the probing questions that follow the dilemmas. (
This interview with Carol Gilligan illustrates her views on girls' development and indicates that she has recently started to study boys' development. (
Covers child rearing practices, various dimensions of empathy, classroom strategies, and an annotated list of citations. (
Thomas Lickona's web site (the fourth and fifth RS are respect and responsibility). An on-line newsletter, discussion of character education, and links to related sites are provided. (
This part of William Huitt's huge educational psychology website examines values education. Links to related sites. (
A good site for learning more about volunteering. Provides advice for volunteers and links to related sites. (
At this site, individuals can be matched up with organizations who need helpers in various locations in the United States. (
The UCLA Higher Education Research Institute presents the results of its annual survey of freshmen values and interests. (
Michael Nielsen's web site is the most extensive one available on the psychology of religion. This is a good web site to start with in the exploring the psychology of religion. (
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