Read each question carefully and then select the best answer.
1 |  |  _______ is thinking skills and the ability to adapt and learn from life's everyday experiences. |
|  | A) | Intelligence |
|  | B) | Wisdom |
|  | C) | Creativity |
|  | D) | Adaptability |
2 |  |  The intelligence test developed by Binet and Simon (1904) was designed to: |
|  | A) | measure the intelligence quotient of adults and children. |
|  | B) | identify gifted children. |
|  | C) | predict which high school students would be successful in college. |
|  | D) | determine which schoolchildren were likely to be slow learners. |
3 |  |  Sally's mental age is 12, while her chronological age is 10. Sally's intelligence quotient is: |
|  | A) | 75. |
|  | B) | 120. |
|  | C) | 100. |
|  | D) | 108. |
4 |  |  To say that test scores are normally distributed around the average score means that: |
|  | A) | most people score in the average range and few people score very high or very low. |
|  | B) | there are equal numbers of low, average, and high scores. |
|  | C) | scores obtained on repeated testings are fairly consistent. |
|  | D) | the test is a good measure of the trait that it is supposed to be measuring. |
5 |  |  When compared to the Binet intelligence test, the Wechsler test offers the advantage of: |
|  | A) | an overall IQ score. |
|  | B) | both verbal and nonverbal scores. |
|  | C) | scores in four different content areas. |
|  | D) | being suitable for testing both children and adults. |
6 |  |  Sternberg's triarchic theory and Gardner's theory of intelligence are examples of the idea that: |
|  | A) | intelligence is a general ability. |
|  | B) | there are three types of intelligence. |
|  | C) | intelligence consists of several specific abilities. |
|  | D) | there are separate information-processing components of intelligence. |
7 |  |  Indira grew up in poverty and first learned to care for herself and her younger brother by selling newspapers and developing "street smarts." Although she never went to school, she has become successful in business. In terms of Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory, which type(s) of intelligence does Indira have? |
|  | A) | analytical |
|  | B) | creative |
|  | C) | practical |
|  | D) | all three factors |
8 |  |  In Spearman's two-factor theory of intelligence, "g" refers to: |
|  | A) | goal orientation. |
|  | B) | general intelligence. |
|  | C) | giftedness. |
|  | D) | global intelligence. |
9 |  |  Ariadne is an architect. According to Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence, which type of intelligence would Ariadne have? |
|  | A) | spatial |
|  | B) | mathematical |
|  | C) | kinesthetic |
|  | D) | naturalist |
10 |  |  An advantage of Spectrum classrooms is that they: |
|  | A) | enable teachers to identify children's skills that might be missed in a regular classroom. |
|  | B) | encourage teachers to focus on and help improve each child's weaknesses. |
|  | C) | allow for easy labeling of children so they can be tracked according to their abilities. |
|  | D) | allow teachers to evoke intelligence by using specific materials labeled "spatial," "verbal," etc. |
11 |  |  Howard Gardner has developed _______ types of intelligence. |
|  | A) | 4 |
|  | B) | 6 |
|  | C) | 8 |
|  | D) | 11 |
12 |  |  The Abecedarian Intervention program has demonstrated that: |
|  | A) | environment can have a powerful influence on intelligence. |
|  | B) | heredity is the most important factor for influencing intelligence. |
|  | C) | the early intellectual gains of children in the program could not be sustained over long periods. |
|  | D) | children with IQs below 70 require institutionalization to survive beyond adolescence. |
13 |  |  The Gesell test used to assess normal and abnormal infants has four categories of behavior. The four categories are: |
|  | A) | motor, verbal, language, and adaptive. |
|  | B) | adaptive, language, verbal, personal-social. |
|  | C) | language, adaptive, personal-social, motor. |
|  | D) | verbal, personal-social, motor, adaptive. |
14 |  |  The Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence: |
|  | A) | estimates intelligence by comparing the amount of time a baby looks at a new object and the amount of time spent looking at a familiar object. |
|  | B) | assesses infants' overall development in terms of motor, language, adaptive, and personal-social domains. |
|  | C) | has been successful at measuring infant intelligence in industrialized nations, but not in third-world countries. |
|  | D) | was the first measure of infant intelligence. |
15 |  |  The DQ measures all of the following, EXCEPT: |
|  | A) | language. |
|  | B) | adaptation. |
|  | C) | motor skills. |
|  | D) | imitation. |
16 |  |  The _______ is a widely used assessment of infant development that has three components: a mental scale, a motor scale, and an infant behavior profile. |
|  | A) | Apgar scale |
|  | B) | Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale |
|  | C) | Gesell test |
|  | D) | Bayley Scales of Infant Development |
17 |  |  Little Jerome is taking the Bayley Scale Test and when asked, can pick up a rattle and shake it. He is also able to stop shaking it when directed to do so. About how old is Little Jerome? |
|  | A) | 6 months |
|  | B) | 12 months |
|  | C) | 18 months |
|  | D) | 24 months |
18 |  |  For which of the following have infant tests of development been LEAST useful? |
|  | A) | assessing the effects of an enriched environment during infancy |
|  | B) | predicting levels of specific aspects of childhood intelligence |
|  | C) | assessing the effects of maternal drug use on infant development |
|  | D) | predicting the overall level of childhood intelligence |
19 |  |  Fluid intelligence is the ability to: |
|  | A) | reason abstractly. |
|  | B) | memorize information quickly. |
|  | C) | adapt to new ways of thinking. |
|  | D) | use deductive reasoning. |
20 |  |  Crystallized intelligence is: |
|  | A) | an individual's accumulated knowledge. |
|  | B) | the ability to reason abstractly. |
|  | C) | the ability to use deductive reasoning. |
|  | D) | verbal memory. |
21 |  |  According to John Horn, in middle age: |
|  | A) | crystallized intelligence increases, while fluid intelligence begins to decline. |
|  | B) | fluid intelligence increases, while crystallized intelligence begins to decline. |
|  | C) | both crystallized and fluid intelligence increase. |
|  | D) | both crystallized and fluid intelligence begin to decline. |
22 |  |  Data from the Seattle Longitudinal Study have shown that the highest level of functioning for four of the six intellectual abilities tested occurred in: |
|  | A) | late adolescence. |
|  | B) | early adulthood. |
|  | C) | middle adulthood. |
|  | D) | late adulthood. |
23 |  |  Research on changes in intellectual abilities during adulthood indicates that: |
|  | A) | fluid and crystallized intelligence decline at the same rate. |
|  | B) | fluid intelligence declines earlier and more quickly than crystallized intelligence. |
|  | C) | crystallized intelligence declines earlier and more quickly than fluid intelligence. |
|  | D) | crystallized and fluid intelligence fluctuate up and down throughout the adult years. |
24 |  |  Is it possible to develop an intelligence test that is truly culturally fair? |
|  | A) | Yes. It requires including only nonverbal items on the test. |
|  | B) | Yes. It requires adapting the test language to fit the test taker's culture. |
|  | C) | No. There are too many different levels of intelligence to assess them all. |
|  | D) | No. There are too many different variations in test takers' cultures to address them all. |
25 |  |  Many of the early intelligence tests favored urban, middle-income, White individuals. These tests are considered: |
|  | A) | culture-fair. |
|  | B) | culture-biased. |
|  | C) | culturally differentiating. |
|  | D) | normative. |
26 |  |  Which task would require wisdom? |
|  | A) | remembering a grocery list |
|  | B) | braking when a pedestrian steps out in front of your car |
|  | C) | helping a son keep his marriage from falling apart |
|  | D) | helping a granddaughter with her algebra homework |
27 |  |  The research on wisdom suggests that: |
|  | A) | wisdom involves the ability to use abstract ideas. |
|  | B) | although not all old people are wise, wisdom generally comes with age. |
|  | C) | older adults who demonstrate wisdom are faster at processing ideas than those who are less wise. |
|  | D) | recent research suggests that there are no age differences in wisdom. |
28 |  |  Organic retardation is caused by: |
|  | A) | physical damage to brain tissues. |
|  | B) | being raised by poorly educated parents. |
|  | C) | an impoverished intellectual environment. |
|  | D) | traumatic experiences in early childhood. |
29 |  |  Everett, a 10-year-old boy, has an IQ of 48 on the Stanford-Binet intelligence test and he has difficulty adapting in his everyday life, but his teachers expect he may be able to support himself as an adult through some type of labor. He would be classified as: |
|  | A) | mildly retarded. |
|  | B) | moderately retarded. |
|  | C) | severely retarded. |
|  | D) | profoundly retarded. |
30 |  |  A gifted child has an IQ of _______ or higher. |
|  | A) | 110 |
|  | B) | 120 |
|  | C) | 130 |
|  | D) | 140 |
31 |  |  High IQ is to _______ as creativity is to _______. |
|  | A) | giftedness; genius |
|  | B) | genius; giftedness |
|  | C) | convergent thinking; divergent thinking |
|  | D) | divergent thinking; convergent thinking |
32 |  |  The type of thinking that produces many answers to the same question is called ________ thinking. |
|  | A) | divergent |
|  | B) | convergent |
|  | C) | expressive |
|  | D) | multiple |
33 |  |  Hyun-Joo is asked to come up with as many possible uses of a paper clip as possible. This task requires her to use: |
|  | A) | verbal comprehension. |
|  | B) | convergent thinking. |
|  | C) | divergent thinking. |
|  | D) | critical thinking. |
34 |  |  Recent research on creativity has shown that it: |
|  | A) | is highly correlated with intelligence. |
|  | B) | peaks in adolescence, then declines. |
|  | C) | peaks in adulthood, then declines. |
|  | D) | peaks somewhere in middle to late adulthood. |